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ASUNA SMILED SADISTICALLY at the quivering bleeding mess before her

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ASUNA SMILED SADISTICALLY at the quivering bleeding mess before her. She licked the warm liquid from her nails, staining the lush leaves red. It was her lucky day, she had found a delectable human on her outing. Even better, nobody would care about his going missing— he was a criminal after all.

She glanced down at the basket beside her, its contents shining brightly under the moonlight. With one swift motion, the basket of white lotus flowers began to float daintily down, covering the body completely.

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are too," she whispered, voice devoid of emotion, "They live inside me, and sometimes.."

She paused, a grimace crossing her expressions, "they win."

"Who wins?"

Asuna lifted her head, her eyes landing onto the figure of a young boy. His skin was as pale as the snow, his hair a spiky pine tree-like shape. He had red splotches along his pristine white skin, his right eye filled with intricate teals and red. He was wearing a bright white kimono and he was standing brightly amidst the dark trees.

"The strong," she said simply, noticing that the boy (that was obviously a demon), did not have an ounce of bloodlust leaking from him. His left eye was also covered by his hair, and it was easy for her to understand why.

"A twelve kizuki?" she muttered, "And a child at that."

The boy moved closer, his curiosity growing, "Are you.. an angel?"

"An angel?" Asuna repeated, "What makes you say that?"

The demon finally stopped before her, "You're as beautiful as one. Maybe more, and you're powerful."

A smile graced the princess's features as her eyes flickered to her normal red ones, "Is that so? So that's why you're not afraid of me? Even if I'm the daughter of your master?"

The boy shook his head, "That's even better. You have a family."

A family? Asuna repeated in her head. Suddenly it seemed she finally understood.

"What's your name?"

"Rui," the demon boy replied.

"Then Rui, would you like to be a part of my family?"


The white-haired woman walked the dark streets of Kotohira, the young spider demon following closely behind her.

"Nee-san," Rui whispered, "What are we doing here in the city?"

Asuna paused, peering over her shoulder at the sudden ruckus outside one of the homes.

"I'm looking for someone," she said quietly, "It appears that they've found the body unfortunately."

Rui cocked his head slightly as he too copied her actions, peering past her kimono to look at the panic ensuing in front of one of the buildings.

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