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One of Daisy's most favourite classes is Care for Magical Creatures. Caring for small, big, fluffy and slimy creatures was something that she could seriously see herself pursuing. The forest today was gloomy with the October weather and the grass glistens with water droplets from last nights rain.

The class had just started for the morning and seeing as Amy didn't take up the class, Daisy stands by herself listening to the professor explain todays class.

"Alright class. So today we are going to be taking care of  Nifflers to get a better understanding of their nature." Professor Shaw explains avidly. She motions to a small group of little Nifflers waiting patiently in a spacious fenced area. "Now, you may choose your partner today. Don't make me regret it. The rest of what you need to know for the lesson is on the handout paper."

The class bursts into mutters and discussion of who's partnering with who. Daisy isn't too fussed with who she ends up with so she wanders off to choose a niffler first. A animated looking one catches her eye and she bends down gently and motions for the little niffler to come towards her.

The small creature moves towards her slowly and when he reach Daisy's feet, it jumps up onto her bent knees and rolls onto its back.

Daisy giggles quietly and rubs the nifflers belly before picking up the tiny creature and holding it in her arms in a caring manner.

Rushed footsteps become prominent on the rocky path and Daisy looks up to see a puffed out James walk towards Professor Shaw. "Sorry I'm late Miss, what did I miss?" He asks giving her an apologetic smile. Probably some silly prank making him late.

"Just find a partner James, they'll explain it to you." Professor Shaw explains uninterested, walking away from the boy to go help another pair of students. James stands there baffled with slightly wide eyes. Daisy can't help but snicker at his stunned expression.

Looking around James spots Daisy standing in the crowd cradling a small niffler with a shiny black coat of fur. He waves at her and walks towards the girl. "Hey Evans. Need a partner?"

"Oh I don't know Potter, me and this guy are quite alright on our own." Daisy responds teasingly. She smirks as James rolls his eyes and bends down a little to get a better look at the Niffler still in her arms. He smiles gently and scratches the back of the creatures ear softly.

"I reckon he likes me Evans, might have to stay so he doesn't get sad." James grins as he straightens up his back, crossing his arms over his body, smirking down at Daisy playfully.

"If you're so sure then." Her words drift off in an amused tone. The two, well three, of them make their way over to a fallen down tree and sit beside it. Daisy sits down, stretching out her legs and places the little Niffler down so he's sitting on the inside of her makeshift fence. She then looks up and watches as James mirrors her actions so their shoes are pressed together.

"I feel like he needs a name." James expresses as the Niffler scurry's over to him. He gladly picks up the creature and cradles him, patting his fur. "Any ideas Evans?"

She leans back on her hands holding her up behind her back and looks at the silky fur ball. "Maybe something like.. Joseph?"

James looks at her for a moment before erupting into a loud laughing fit. "Joseph? Really?"

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