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Daisy was walking to the arched stain glass window on the ground east floor to go meet up with Amy, it was their spot. Always had been.

She'd nearly run into multiple people, being too consumed with the thoughts of James. His soft hands and the way it felt so natural when he placed his gold bracelet on her skin. His glasses and how he'd scrunch his nose in discomfort if they fell to low on his nose. And his soft, curly, dark hair.

Any thought of him liking Lily was lost to her, because she was the one who got his bracelet. Daisy was the one who could see his more relaxed side. And she was the one who actually wanted him around.

It didn't matter that he liked someone else, because all Daisy could think about was their growing friendship. And wanting more as friends is better then admiring from afar.

So that's what she would do, she'd back off and let him do his own thing. He didn't owe it to her to like her back, so she wouldn't expect him to.

She mindlessly made her way to the spot and sat down with her heads in the clouds while Amy gave her a puzzled look.

Her fingers clicked in front of Daisy's face snapping her out of her thoughts. "You good?" She asked giggling.

Daisy shook her head rolling her eyes playfully. "Great, actually."

Amy leaned back against the window shaking her head. "What did James do? Give you some bud or something?" She sniggered.

"What? No why would you say that?" Daisy laughed shocked as she leaned against the pillar holding her knee.

"Well I dunno, you look all giddy and shit. Even James looked high when he walked past. Had like a little skip in his step or something." She smirked knowing exactly what she was implying.

"Haha, very funny Amy. We both know you're saying that to pull my leg."

"No I'm being serious!" She laughed. "He was humming to himself or something. His tall friend was telling him to shut up."

"I call bullshit."

"Call it what you want but I know what I saw lover girl."

Daisy simply rolled her eyes again looking out the window as her cheeks grew red. She could feel Amy staring at her with a smirk on her smug face, enjoying every minute of her best friends discomfort.


Meanwhile, James was walking to the quidditch pitch with his best friend, Sirius Black. They didn't have any training that night but being the quidditch fanatic he is, James drags out Sirius out regularly so they're on their a-game.

He was still humming to himself and it was starting to grate on Sirius' nerves. "Mate what's up with you? Taken up singing or something?"

James laughed at the stupid insinuation. "We both know I can't sing Sirius."

"Yeah clearly, so what's got you all joyful?"

"S'nothing." James shrugs grinning to himself.

"What, you finally get Evans to go out with you?" Sirius teases, poking at James ribs.

James pushes Sirius away laughing. "Nah, gave her my bracelet though."

Sirius looked at his best friend confused. "Lily hates bracelets though?"

"Hm?" James asks and then it hits him. He wasn't even thinking about Lily. He was thinking about Daisy... "Oh, um right."

"So why'd you give her a bracelet then mate? You're so dense." Sirius grins as he wraps a shoulder around James.

"Oh I dunno." James shrugs as his face started slipping a little.

"What's wrong?"

"Nah, nothing. Just thinking."

Sirius gave him a weird look. "Right..." They walk in silence for a moment. Sirius trying to think what he said wrong, and James thinking when everything changed.

"We are talking about Lily right?"

"What?" James asks snapped out of a zoned out state.

"Lily, she is the one you gave your bracelet to?"

James decides not to answer, leaving Sirius to fill in the gaps.

When did everything change? Was it when Daisy went days without talking to him, and he felt this itching feeling to go and be near her? Was is when he told her to keep his bracelet? Or was it when he saw her in the greenhouse doing exactly what he was doing without even realising?

They don't say anything more, and reach the field. "Hey should we skip practice?" James asks, not feeling like doing training which was seriously out of character for him.

"I'm sorry, come again?" Sirius laughs breathlessly. "You don't want to do quidditch? Who hit you over the head?"

James rolled his eyes with a subtle smile on his face. "No one, just need some time to think about something."

Sirius raises his eyebrows and nods his head simply. "Yeah alright mate, but you owe me for making me walk all the way out here for nothing." He smirks nudging James's shoulder.

"Yeah yeah alright. I owe you." And with that James jogs off the field and starts walking back towards the black lake to go and gather his complicated thoughts on the two sisters.

As he sits down with his back facing a tree he grabs a pile of pebbles and starts skipping then on the waters surface. Just thinking.

He had been spending a lot more time with Daisy recently, and hadn't looked too much into it. They were getting to know each other.

Lily on the other hand didn't want a bar of what he was saying to her but Sirius suggested that that was Lily's way of liking someone, playing hard to get. Which is completely stupid in James's opinion. 

It all seemed so much more comfortable when he talked to Daisy, but what's the point of wasted years of pining after Lily to not even go on one date? Why had he bothered her for this long? It wasn't love, so was it obsession?

That just sounds worse.

He was so confused. Everything was making his brain hurt and he decided it was better to ignore everything. He threw another pebble forcefully into the lake straining his arm a little and got up to leave, still not knowing what to do with his loud, crowding thoughts.

He was moping through the halls, looking burnt out and tired. Running his hands along the detailed walls with the last rays of sun peaking through the walls.

Mindlessly following the path back up to the Gryffindor tower. Remus would know what to say.


Song this chapter:
Dominic Fike


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