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Daisy had dodged walking past James in the halls recently since care for magical creatures. She was embarrassed to say the least. Embarrassed that she let herself feel this way about a guy who is crazy for her sister, of all people.

It was pitiful. Something that Daisy has decided to suppress for the time being.

She did feel bad though, James had come looking for her after the class to see how it went finding Calvin and she walked away, not knowing how to talk to him after realising how she was starting to feel. It wasn't his fault that she was avoiding him, but she didn't want to make it any harder for herself.  At least he didn't see her hide behind the tall pillar.

It was lunch time and Amy and Daisy were sitting at the Ravenclaw table piling food onto their plates. Daisy still needed to debrief her best friend on everything that's happened recently.

Amy was grabbing a small sandwich for her lunch and Daisy was trying to think of a casual way to bring up her new "friendship" so Amy wouldn't get mad at her for not saying anything sooner.

"So, you know how I go for walks and stuff at night?" Daisy starts as she pours herself some cold water.

Amy looks at her best friend and nods, "yeah like every night."

"Right so the other night I went to the greenhouse because it's my favourite spot,"


"And I ran into James."

Amy nods her head slowly but not fully understanding. "Might have to narrow that down, it's a common name."

"Right, sorry. James Potter." Daisy says while taking a bite of her salad roll. She looks back to her best friend and sees her wide eyed expression.

"Oh." Is all she can muster out.

"Yeah, we were talking. He's quite nice."

"Are we talking about the same James? The James who was also the one to flood our entire common room?"

Daisy paused for a moment as the memory rushed back.

It was third year and the two girls were coming back from a walk around the black lake to watch the sunset, and they had made it to the common room entrance door. Amy had solved the riddle and as the door swung open, a mini tsunami came rushing out the doorway soaking the girls clothes and muffled giggles of a group of students could be heard from around the corner.

Amy and Daisy didn't realise it was James and his friends until weeks later but it seems Amy still holds a grudge against them for it.

"Right.." Daisy says slowly pursing her lips. "Yeah that James."

"Just checking." Amy nodded her head while looking a Daisy skeptically. "You guys are friends now?"

She thought for a moment before shrugging. "I mean I can't say we're unfriendly."

Amy hummed at the answer while taking a bite of her sandwich. "Would you say you liked him?"

Daisy choked a little before regaining herself. She rolled her eyes to seem casual but it was working horribly. "I can't like a guy who has a thing for my sister."

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