Chapter Ten: Showdown

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Yurin had learned, just as he suspected, that the three superhumans had failed to kill Noctum. Their vitals were down, and all were dead. Yurin had checked the hospital records, only to see that Adam Oughton had been admitted, clinging to life by a hair. His phone rang once again, and Yurin picked up,

"Bjorn," Yurin acknowledged,

"Yulian! How goes your day?" Bjorn asked,

"Noctum lives,"

"You seriously think that you could lose to him?" Bjorn replied jovially, "I thrashed him like a tiny baby, and even I'm scared of you,"

"That is nice of you to say," However, Yurin's tone implied the opposite. Yurin was used to assassination attempts from his own government, President Putin did not like the idea of a rogue agent with a skill set like Yurin's wandering the lands. Yurin was very aware of Bjorn's plan to throw him away, but he figured that, during a confrontation, he could beat the Norseman,

"Could you send the message?" Bjorn asked,

"Certainly," Yurin replied, hanging up on the giant,

Yurin hacked into the phone company that most people used, Vodafone. Utilising his technology, Yurin was able to send a message to Niamh, Zachary, and Shaine. This message was merely a location with Yurin's signature, as he wanted to be found and to battle the superhumans. Carefully, Yurin tucked his phone away in the internal pocket of his immaculate suit, drawing his gun from his shoulder holster as he did. Turning with the practice of a professional, his Luger put two rounds into the perfect centre of the Russian assassin's skull with a light double tap,

"Fuck you, Putin," Yurin whispered, spitting on the corpse of the man who had tried to take his life. Yurin pushed the agent off of the Ritz-Carlton building and set off to the Perth Flour Enterprises, an ideal place to film a battle between superhumans.

Jones Blakk was dealing with a major catastrophe. The three dead superhumans that had been found on the empty lot in the Swan Valley had been stolen. After an anonymous tip off that Christian Carter had received, the SCD had arrived at the scene of the murders to contain the superhuman corpses. Allegedly, the escort had been attacked by some sort of bird. A bird the size of a man who had killed all of the guards and taken the bodies. Some may have taken the security camera footage likely, but in a world where superhumans and aliens exist, Jones thought it likely that there was a giant bird-man attacking SCD property. The investigation into the mole in SCD had gotten nowhere, although that was to be expected if the mole was on the investigation team.

The three drove towards the Rockingham Flour Enterprise with haste, Zachary could not wait to fight Yurin, one of the men that had caused them the most grief. When the three massive blue structures came into view, it became obvious that there was a man standing tall upon the peak of the centre pillar shaped storage. Plants crunched underfoot as the three disembarked their vehicle, striding towards Yurin,

"We need a team name!" Metamorph exclaimed,

"All the good ones are taken," Shaine replied, "and not even by real people, ugh,"

"There's gotta be some that nobody's used yet!" Zachary spoke defiantly, "how about defenders?"





"That's a villain team name,"

"Guys, shut up," Niamh suggested, "We're about to fight this guy. If we don't beat him, I don't know how we're gonna protect the innocents!"

"Fighters? No. Beaters? No. Protectors?" Zachary listed,

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