Chapter Forty: Protectors

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The screaming carried down the SCD hallways, bouncing off the walls like a laser beam. Adam Oughton had been sitting quietly in his mahogany office when he finally let his emotions out,

"Why me!?" He screamed, swiping the paperwork off his desk with a clean sweep, "my plan was foolproof!"

Even as he said it, he analysed all of the things that were wrong with his plan subconsciously. He realised that there was always a good chance that Noctum could have survived his assaults. He downed the entire two litres of whiskey that sat in his decanter, smashing the glass against the wall,

"Why do you forsake me!?" He screamed, cursing the heavens themselves with a burning hatred,

He felt the whiskey threatening to take over his mind as he punched the mahogany desk, splitting it in two with his bare hand. Wiping the blood from his knuckles, Adam punched the metal walls, screaming with mixed rage and self-hate. As the walls became more and more crimson, Noctum Prime only punched harder,

"I hate it all," he whispered, anger dispersing before his eyes,

Zavant pulled the Glock from where it had fallen on the floor, pointing it to his temple. With shaking fingers, he made as if to pull the trigger. Even as he lowered the gun, realising that he had other options, the influence of the bourbon clouded his mind, dragging him towards unconsciousness. As Zavant fell forward onto the floor, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot sounded throughout the SCD building.

It was finally a peaceful day. No Zavant hunting them, no Nighthawk lurking in the shadows. The Protectors were finally able to enjoy themselves, and they did that by purchasing some piña coladas at the Steel Tree, a niche restaurant in a place called Baldivis,

"This is the life, isn't it?" Zachary asked, taking a sip of the coconut flavoured goodness,

"I don't drink," Hannah replied, sipping a mocktail version, "but this is sure as hell a good idea,"

"Anyone want to come to the casino later?" Shaine asked, "Crown's got a promo where you can gamble for half price today on the machines,"

"I'm down," Adam replied, wincing as he moved too fast,

Zavant had hurt Noctum so badly that even the superhuman healing factor hadn't healed him in the week after the battle. The battle across the world had shaken Noctum, who had stared death in the eyes before, but never believed that he really could die,

"Holy crap guys!" The server said, ignoring the glare from her manager at the use of the word 'crap', "Look at the news!"

On the television that had been installed on a wall, a special interruption had been broadcast over The Chase, a popular game show,

"Guys, we've got to go," Adam said menacingly, "right now,"

The six stood quickly, leaving the payment on the table, and left the room. On the broadcast, there remained the picture of a jagged black pod, silhouetted against the sun from a different solar system.

Public outcry united the world once more. The governments of the world had revealed that scientists had taken a real snapshot of an alien spacecraft, along with calculating the speed and trajectory of the object. Supposedly, it was to reach Uluru within two weeks. Back at Shaine's apartment, which had been made into the temporary Protectors base after Zavant's destruction of the Swan Valley, the team all sat around a large table, discussing a plan to battle Apis,

"We need to have a real strategy," Draedon said, laying out his plan, "I say we send in Insomniac first. I mean, he literally brushed Noctum aside. Surely he can deal with The Stranger,"

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