Today may be the day

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A hand slams down on the alarm silencing it, Freya groans in annoyance. Another day, another long shift at Hill-stone high school. She drags herself out of bed and gets ready for the day ahead.

Stepping into the school at 8:30 am isn't her ideal start to the morning the stress of teenage kids causing a ruckus is already a pain in the backside itself and trying to explain to the headmistress why banning leggings for the girls in PE is a really bad decision.

It's 10, Freya sips her coffee quietly in her classroom as she's supposed to clock out soon because she has an important meeting downtown.



"Come in" she calls not looking up to see who it is.
No one comes in.
She looks up. No one is there "Huh.." she shakes her head, thinking she might be hearing it from next door. She continues with her work.



Freya looks up again, a frown creasing her face "What the heck" she mutters standing up. Opening her door she glanced around before noticing a small piece of paper. She picks it up and looks at it "Holy sh-"
Freya looks up, Mrs. Alden. Fuck.
"Ah. Hello Mrs. Alden, do you need something?"
Mrs. Alden looks Freya up and down as if in disgust. "Yes. You can help me by going back to work!"
Freya gives a strained smile "Hm, yes of course." She quickly stuffs the small letter in her blouse's pocket.
"What was that!" Mrs. Alden demands, she stares at Freya so intensely that she thought she might turn to dust.
"Just a note I dropped" She lies,
Mrs. Alden frowns at her "Hmpf, whatever...Well? What are you waiting for?! Get going!" Freya grits her teeth and bids Mrs. Alden an icy farewell before shutting her door and storming off to her desk.

A few hours pass, Freya packs up her things and signs out the building. Letting a sigh of relief slip her lips, she turns on her phone scrolling through recent messages and voice calls as she crosses the road.
She was just reading one of her friends texts about this new show called 'The Hazbin Hotel' and how they love the character called 'Alastor'.

She doesn't seem to notice the speeding car heading straight towards her...

Can't wait to see what happens eh? I'm new to this so I have two chapters down already! But do stay tuned as I have a few more stories up my sleeve!

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