How rude!

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The days pass as Freya consciously waits for Alastor to pop in. She doesn't leave the house much, worrying that he might come over when she isn't there.

So for now she sits, learning how to knit, paint and even learn how to cook with the cooks, just to pass some time.
She's is in the middle of crafting a scarf for Jacky (As she doesn't have any siblings and her mother and father aren't around much) when she hears a rapid knocking at her door.

Jumping up, she flings the door open to see a finely dressed, smiling man. "Good Afternoon, my dear!" His familiar voice bounces around in to the house. "Ah! Hello Alastor, do come in! I'll tell Millor to get the tea pot ready" She steps aside, letting Alastor through.

"I hope you don't mind, it's quite a messy as I was just knitting" Freya gives an awkward laugh, "Oh not at all, dear, it's quite alright, a dame such as yourself has to do something to keep her mind busy!" He waves his hand in an uncaring fashion. Freya's smile dwindles ever so slightly. 

They walk to the back garden, it's a medium sized one, not too flashy but it's soft to the eyes. There's a large tree right at the bottom of it and surrounding the grounds are lots of colourful roses and beautifully decorated bushes with all sorts of flowers and vines. There's also a small table with two chairs.
Freya sits down along with Alastor.

"So.." Freya fiddles with her skirt "Um, the weather is getting warmer... quite nice don't you think?". Alastor hums, "Yes, yes it is, my dear" He rests his chin on his hand, looking at her with his trademark grin. She bites her lip "Soo, how has your day been?" Looking at him expectingly,
"Oh nothing special, Just got the Sunday off so I thought about having a stroll before remembering a certain dame last week telling me to 'pop over', as she calls it, after toppling down right onto me." He smirks seeing as Freya's cheeks turned a bright red. 'The cheek of this man!' She thinks to herself while  fiercely fighting the urge to snap at him, especially while making a fun of how she speaks!

"Ha,ha.. well that is why we are here, no? I invited you so I could apologise," Freya clears her throat, "So yes, I'm terribly sorry for last week's inconvenience to you, as you said then I meant no harm".
He's already large grin widens, he opens his mouth to say something but is cut off when Millor sets a pot of tea and two tea cups down along with some milk and sugar,
Freya nods a thanks to her when she leaves.

"What tea is it?" Alastor asks looking at the tea pot.
"Just some black tea" She says before pouring the tea into his cup, "Milk and sugar?"She asks.
"No, no but thank you the offer, my dear, I'm not a big fan of sweet things." He take the cup and takes a sip.
Freya cringes inside from disgust, 'Sure that must taste awfully bitter and bland' she thinks as she pours herself a cup, adding a dash of milk and sugar before stirring it all together.

"Dear, I think you may want to stop stirring so fiercely, you're spilling the tea..." Freya snaps out of her thoughts and stares down at the mess in front of her, she blinks a couple times before internally slapping herself in the face. Looking up at Alastor, he now has an amused look, his eyes stare right back at her, his smile never disappearing.
"For f-" she cuts herself off, before coughing slightly "Um I'll just clean it up properly later." She mutters, picking up a napkin and dabbing at the large tea spill in front of her.
"Hm, my dear, shouldn't you do it now?", Freya looks at Alastor, "Excuse me?" She frowns.
" What I mean is, you do a lot of things later. You never say now, it's always later." He smirks. Freya gapes "I- ... excuse me?" She glares at him furiously "How utterly rude of you! I never thought- I" she splutters in anger, Alastor just sits there. Staring at her with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face, just watching her get so easily riled up by his comment. "Now, Now, My dear, don't get so angry. I was only just suggesting!", He watches as she struggles for words, heaven knows why that ticked her off, but it was ever so fun to him

Freya blinks at him a few times, before just rubbing her face tiredly. The she thinks, "You sound oddly familiar, Mister.." her eyes blow wide, she never asked him his last name!
"Alastor Hartfelt, My dear! And the reason I might sound familiar to you it's because you may have heard me on the radio on multiple occasions!" He proclaims proudly,
"And what station radio would that be, Mister Hartfelt?" She tries to smile softly but it comes out at being rather strained.
But it seems either Alastor didn't hear her or just completely ignored her as he rambled on about what he does on the radio station...

After some time has passed and Freya has caught herself almost falling asleep on more then one occasion, she finally hears the amazing words of,  "Well would you look at the time!" Alastor looks down at his watch, "I'd better get going! Can't over stay my welcome, can I?" Chuckling to himself, he makes the stand to leave and starts to walk away. Freya too stands up and follows him to the front door, "Well it's been such a pleasure having you here today, Mister Hartfelt" She politely stands next to the open door and waits for him to leave,
"No need for formalities, my dear! Just call me Alastor" He says with that forever lasting grin of his. She waits till he is out of view before slamming the door shut and sighing to herself "Yes, such a pleasure..." She rolls her eyes before go to the living room.

Howdy there! I know so far it's quite boring but  least some action is there..or maybe that is just Freya overreacting? Well that's for you to decide! As new writer I'd love to have some feedback so I can provide more better chapters in the future! Hope you enjoyed, Toodles!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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