Where Am I?

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(Edit: I just wanted to say I did get inspired by a great writer, I am part of their discord sever, their book is Sanguimancy! It's a great book and I highly recommend it!! So do go and read it!)

Chapter 2

Time slows down for Freya as she collides with the car. As soon as it hit her , it all went black.

It feels like hours, maybe days before she could open her eyes, but when she did, she expected to see a white clinical room, what she did not expect was to see an old looking, fancy and expensive looking room. Another thing she didn't expect was someone shouting in her ear "SHE'S AWAKE!"
Freya covers her ears "Ay! AY! Yes hello what? What's going on?" She winces as she stares at the dumbfound girl in front of her

"Miss, Miss do you.. do you remember anything?" The young girl asks her, now that she thinks about it all her previous memories come flooding back. "Where.. where am I?!" She starts to panic, her heart rate picks up thudding against her chest. "Miss! Miss, your home! Your in New Orleans, Louisiana! Remember? You got hit by one of those carriages, the doctor says it's a miracle your even alive let alone awake! Though Master was deeply worried as you hadn't waken up after two weeks!" She explains in great detail of what happened.

But Freya wasn't listening, she was busy thinking about where the fuck she is and-
"A horse carriage?" She asks in confusion, raising her eyebrows at the young girl.
"Yes! Do you remember now?" She looks at Freya with a big smile and hopeful eyes.
"What year is it?" Freya tries asking nicely but it sounded more like a demand then a question,she winces.
"It's 1929, Miss"

What. The. Hell.

"Are you sure? Not pulling my leg here are you? Please tell me this is just a big old joke!"

"I'm very sure, Miss, and I would never pull your leg! Why, it's never cross my mind to ever do such a thing!"

Freya's breath hitches, "Okay... so..um.. What's my name?" She asks.
"Your name? Miss, your name is Angela Robinson" the girl looks at her in concern.
"And Um... what's yours?"
"My name? My name is Jacky, Miss!" She beams in delight.
"Right.. Right" she ponders for a second before feeling slightly dizzy and then all of a sudden blacking out once more.

A few days pass, the doctors say nothing is wrong with her and that she just needs to stay and rest as she just randomly blacks out here and there.
But that doesn't dwindle Freya, now known as Angela,to not go explore the place she now calls home.
One day she is walking with Jacky down into town,she had just gotten out of Jacky's sight for a split second when one of her blackouts hit her, and worst thing is she feels as if she fell on something soft.. and warm, hopefully not a person.

When she does wake up again Jacky is stood over her with a concerned look on her face "Miss? Are you okay?" She asks, Freya nods before noticing a fellow standing nearby looking at her with a strange look. "Um, Jacky what happened?" Jacky murmurs a bit before saying "You had one of your blackouts and fell forward onto this man over there" she points over to the fellow.
Freya feels her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she quickly stands up and dusts herself off "Ah I am so sorry, terribly sorry, I wouldn't usually fall on a stranger like that!" She glances at the man.
"Well, my dear, it certainly was not to be expected! But I am sure you meant no harm..." he says in a joyful(?) tone. "The names Alastor! And who might you be?" He offers his hand.
"Fr-Angela, Angela Robinson" she covers up quickly, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, my dear!"he shakes her hand so hard that she almost stumbles back over. "Ah well the pleasure is mine, and I'm ever so sorry but I do need to rush,father wouldn't be very if I stay out too late!" ,She stops and thinks for a second",How about you pop over for tea sometime and I'll be able to properly apologise then? I live just up from here in the first big White House you see!". He raises his eyebrows, surprised maybe?

"Well, if you insist! I'll stop by someday," he grins, a grin that goes from ear to ear. Surely that must be uncomfortable. But either way he straightens himself up keeping the grin plastered on his face before saying "It's not everyday you're invited to tea by someone you've just met! Lesser a dame such as yourself!", Freya cheeks turn a bright pink "I'll see you then, then!" She flashes a quick and bashful smile at him before hurrying off with Jacky back home.

It's a bright and sunny evening and Alastor thought it's be a lovely time to go on a walk. Little did he know his pleasant evening would end so abruptly when a heavy weight falls upon him forcing him to stagger backwards and fall to the ground.
"What in god's name?!.." he exclaims, looking down to see what the cause of his imbalance. A woman, fast asleep, right on top of him.

His skin crawls at the touch of another being.

"Miss!" Some squeaky, annoying voice calls just before a young girl comes into sight.
Pushing the unconscious woman off him, he stands right back up , dusting off his suit before look at the sleeping dame. "Oh gosh!" The little girl squeaks before rushing to her mistresses side, he stood there, his head tilting while he watches the whole scene opening up right before him.
A few minutes pass and the woman seems to be stirring awake.
And a few more seconds later he is being faced with a doe-eyed, round faced and button nosed dame who is apologising profusely and even invited him over to her home despite only just meeting, oh how interesting...

Hello good friends! If you wouldn't mind for this part i would love to have some feedback! I don't have any ideas on where this is really going so I'd like to have some suggestions too if y'all don't mind, anyhoo I am out! Toodles!

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