Chapter 41 [ EPILOGUE ]

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Chapter 41 [ EPILOGUE ]

Arabella and Marcus were very pleased they were getting a brother or sister.
Later, Amy went to Heartland to see Lou and Scott who got Married 6 months before Amy and Ty, Lou also got pregnant on Honeymoon  with Twin girls, Marion Lyndy Scott  and Samantha Amy Scott. The Twins were almost as old as Arabella and the three cousins got on very well, they all rode horses and Amy had taught the 3 of them how to Barrel Race. They were known as the terrible Cousins because they always won between them, they were the same in School, the teachers were very proud of all three of them.
Although they were winning money and Trophies on the Rodeo circuit and Show Jumping the three girls had plans for their future's.
The three of them wanted to be Vets, Arabella wanted to do Equine, Marion wanted to do small pets and Samantha wanted to concentrate on Farm Animals,  then their plan was to open there own Practice together.

Amy was at Heartland to tell Lou about having a baby, Heartland was Left to Amy and Lou but Amy and Ty had Briar Ridge so Amy being the good person that she is told Lou to live there, the only time they needed to get together for Heartland business was if it was important.
Amy knocked the door and waited.
"Hi Amy, come in".
"Thanks Scott, how are you."
"Doing well, Lou was telling me earlier that our Three Girls all want to be Vet's but different subjects   that's great news isn't it."
"Yes it is, me and Ty are very pleased.
So I only have a couple of years left to coach Arabella then she'll be studying for her Graduation."
"So what you gonna do with the free time Sis."
"Ha ha, actually Lou that's why I've come over to see you, I won't have any free time."
"Why not Amy."
" Ta Dahhhhhhh, I'm Pregnant Lou."
"O M G. Congratulations Amy."
Both Lou and Scott said in unison.

7 Months Later

Amy and Ty Had just made it to the Maternity unit at the Hospital .
Two hours later Ty was sat down holding his beautiful Daughter surrounded by Arabella and Marcus.
Amy asked the Nurse if she would take a couple of photos of them all as a Family, Amy was sat in the middle as she was in bed, Ty was one side and Arabella was the other with Marcus in the middle, Arabella was surprised when Amy asked her to hold her sister for the first photo and then Marcus for the second photo.
Afterwards Ty took lots of photos, one of Amy holding the baby with Arabella and Marcus on either side.
Later in the day Amy was discharged and all five left waving to the Nurses and saying thank you.
When they got home Ty made sure Amy was in bed resting as per midwife's instructions till tomorrow.
Arabella kept going in to get cuddles with her sister.
Amy asked her to right down some names and for Marcus to do the same thing for there little Sister.

The following morning Amy was up early and so was her Daughter,  as quiet as could be. Amy was about to get a bottle of Milk ready when she saw two lists of girls names, they'd obviously looked up some on the Internet and they both had one name the same and Amy loved it, *Callista*.
"Okay Callista, breakfast time sweetheart."
When the rest of the family got up they walked in t see Mum feeding their sister.
"Good morning you two, you both had a name on your list, it was the only name you both wrote down, so say good morning 'Callista ' or Calli for short. It's up to both of you ."
"Yess, we both love that name mum."
"Yeah we do mum."
"Okay,so Callista it is, Arabella have you never thought of shortening your name, you can if you want to you know."
"You don't mind, really."
"Of course we don't mind, I thought you just liked it when you didn't say anything."
"Well at school they call me Bella, is that okay mum."
"Ha ha yes of course Bella, have you seen the Films of Twilight and the Vampires."
"No, but Charlie, she said it was good and that's why they call me Bella."
"Let me guess, Charlie is Charlotte."
"Yeah, how'd you know that."
"Ha ha, all the girls did it at school,  but they were completely stumped with my name."
"So your name isn't short for anything."
"No, nothing,  Just Amy."
"That's clever."
"Want a Hold".
"Yes please mum."
Bella was holding Callista which would probably change to Calli eventually.

Amy carried on helping horses and Their Nanny was Available again although she now had two of her own.
Bella carried on Jumping until she Graduated and went to University along with the Twins.
Callista was definitely riding before she was walking and as she got older was Show Jumping , Graduated and went on the A Circuit with her
The three girls eventually opened there own Veterinary Hospital just outside Calgary, by there late 20s they were all married and made Lou n Scott and Amy n Ty Grandparents.
Marcus eventually helped his dad when he Graduated as a Mechanic and they opened there own Garage as well as mobile service.
Marcus also fell in love and his girlfriend fell pregnant making Them Grandparents again.
Callista was taking the A Circuit by Storm,  when she was nearer to home the Family were there supporting her. Eventually she made it to the Olympics and won Gold.
Lou and Amy had great Husband's and fantastic Children.
They both had Grandchildren,  Lou and Scott had 4 and Amy and Ty had 7
Bella eventually had 3 children,  Marcus got married and had 2 Children and Callista eventually gave up Show Jumping,  met another Young Show Jumper  and got married opening their own Breeding Stud Ranch and also had 2 Children.
It seems that Fate eventually turned out in their Favour.
The never heard from Tim again thankfully.
Lou and Scott were truly meant to be together.
Ty and Amy were soul mates and lived into there early 90s eventually becoming Great Grand Parents and were looked after by there family in later years.
It was funny really because they both passed away within 3 months of each other , and that year Astronomers  found 2 new Stars, one was called AM1737 and the other was TY5732.

                         THE END


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