Sleepless Nights

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Dezeray's P.O.V

     I was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. I just couldn't sleep I have no idea why. I suddenly feel the bed dipping and when I look over I see Evie sliding in next to me. Hey I say looking into her beautiful brown eyes. Oh how goreous she is. Her sparking blue hair,her perfectly manicured hands,her mocha brown orbs. I clear my head quickly.What's happening to me. Hey sorry but I tend to have nightmares and I like to share with someone she says giving a look of sadness. I soften my look. I'm surprised you didn't want to share with Mal I say quietly.

     Mal's fast asleep she says when someone else sits on my bed. Me and Evie look to see Mal. I can't sleep either she says rolling her eyes. I sit up Evie following suit. How about we get to know each other I suggest throwing an arm over Evie's shoulder who is now silently crying. I love the way her eyes look,even when she is crying. Her hair is shining in the moonlight oh how beautiful. Why would you wanna know about me Evie says breaking me from my thoughts. Evie I want to know more about you because your beautiful I say looking her directly in the eyes..OMG I have a crush on Evie holy shit.

     Really?You think so?She asks looking at me. I know so I say smiling and bringing my arms around her in a hug. She hugs me back and rests her head on my chest. I know it's silly but like I said I'm 6"1 Ok,how about some questions to get to know each other Mal offers me and Evie breaking apart and nodding. So,Dezeray,what's your favorite color? asks Mal. I usually like Blue and Green but I have hints of purple I say scrunching my nose a little.

     So Mal what is the Isle like I ask a little curious on what It's like to live there. Mal freezes and so does Evie. I was leaning against the head board with Evie leaning in front of me. I push her back against me so she could get comfortable and relax. I'm going to the bathroom Mal says and walks away walking into the bathroom. Evie looks at me reaching up and...kisses me? Does Evie love me back I think as I begin kissing her back. Evie turned it into a make-out session. We then heard a throat clear. We give Mal a sheepish look and Evie leans back up against me. A few minutes later I hear soft snoring to see Evie sleeping on me. Consider that a blessing Mal says looking at Evie with a soft smile.

     What do you mean I ask raising an eyebrow. Evie was abused for a LONG time and she doesn't fall asleep on people easily she won't even fall asleep on Carlos and/or Jay...she'll really only fall asleep on me and now you I guess Mal says sitting down next to me. I look down and smile at Evie. I have Mal pick Evie up bridal stayle. She then hands her to me and I take her to her bed and set her down. I pull the blankets up to her neck. I tuck her in and lay on my bed with Mal next to me. What's the Isle like I ask. I don't want to talk about she says looking down.

     You sure I say grabbing her hand. She nods then yawns. Tired I question with a smile. She nods. Go to be I say and she follows command getting into bed and falling asleep. I also do the same dreaming of Evie.


Dezeray's P.O.V

     I woke up to go to the bathroom. When I came out I saw something just sad and shocking.

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