Chapter 3

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It was cold in the north.

Sana gazed out the carriage window as it climbed higher into the mountains to the gates of House Darcanos. She didn't know what to expect when she left the sunny and sandy landscape of the south, but it was fitting her father would send her to a rugged, bleak place the sun dared not to bless with its warm rays.

The carriage came to a slow stop in the middle of the road. Sana frowned as the coachman jumped down from his perch and opened the door.

"Lord Sirius told me this is as far as I can take you," the coachman said, holding out his hand to her. "Good luck, Miss Sana."

"Oh, thank you," she said, taking his offered hand and stepping out of the carriage.

His brown eyes softened as he reached into the carriage, taking out her small satchel of belongings and sighed. "Please know that none of us servants wanted this for you," he said, sliding the strap of her satchel over her head before he took her hands. "Be safe, Miss Sana, and I truly hope you find happiness."

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she nodded. "Thank you, Olin," she said, squeezing his hands. "Have a safe journey home."

"Thank you, Miss Sana. Be strong."

"I'll try," she whispered.

Standing on the empty road with the sound of the carriage and horse hooves getting further away, Sana wrapped her cloak tighter around herself.

She was alone now.

No home to return to and no hope she wouldn't be cast out by the fearsome Lord of Darcanos.

Wiping the tear that rolled down her cheek, Sana trudged through the forest, following the dirt road, hoping the infamous black gates of the northern House weren't too far away.

Twigs snapped behind her, and low growls swept through the trees. A chill raced down Sana's spine and fear clawed at her heart as glowing red eyes peered at her through the brush.

"Do not be afraid, sweet child," a soft crackling voice whispered. "We have come to guide you."

" you," another voice whispered as the glowing red eyes shifted in the leaves and four beings with skin as white as snow, hair as bright as the sun, and limbs too long for their bodies. Their clawed hands dragged across the ground as they emerged from the forest.

The fear that swept down Sana's spine stabbed at her heart and kept her rooted to the ground as the harrowing beings circled around her, towering over her.

"Your soul smells so sweet," one of the pasty white beings giggled, dragging their long fingernails down the back of her cloak ripping through the thin fabric.

Sana slipped her hand into her satchel, grasping the small dagger Uma gave her to keep her safe. "L-leave me alone," she whispered, holding the weapon to the beings with a shaking hand.

She didn't know why she said it or why she was holding this dagger. She didn't know how to fight and she'd never run fast enough to get away from these creatures.

"Why would we do that, sweet child?" One being grinned, swiping at her dagger and sending it skittering across the ground.

A hand snaked around her throat, squeezing tight and drawing a painful scream from Sana as the being's nails pierced her skin. "You want to die, don't you?"

Sana whimpered as tears rolled down her cheeks.


She wanted to die.

There was nothing left for her in this world.

No one left to care about her.

No one left to find her.

She was worthless and this was what she deserved.

A deafening roar erupted in the forest and the murderous beings screeched in agony as waves of fire scorched the ground.

"Run, sisters!" The creature with its claws around her neck screamed, letting go of her.

Sana fell to the ground with a thud as blood rolled down her neck. It was more poetic to die this way. Burned in the flames her family was known for.

At least in death, she'd find peace.

"Sana!" a deep voice bellowed as feet trampled around her and the howls of wolves filled the air.

She gazed up at the hazy faces looking down at her before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and darkness claimed her.

She gazed up at the hazy faces looking down at her before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and darkness claimed her

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A/N: Oh Sana...😔 And I dunno, if I was her coachperson, I wouldn't have left her out there like that. Fuck what her father said. How the hell would he know where he dropped her off?!

 How the hell would he know where he dropped her off?!

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