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( Despite his distaste for books and libraries, Jungkook’s curiosity—and perhaps a touch of boredom—drove him to tail the mysterious man. After all, what was the harm in a little adventure? )


Taehyung walked toward the counter, his presence effortlessly commanding attention, even though he was hidden behind a mask. He knocked lightly on the desk to gain the librarian’s attention.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said, a small smirk playing on his lips, though Mrs. Park couldn’t see it. His voice carried a teasing tone, familiar and flirty.

Mrs. Park looked up, giving him a small smile instead of returning his playful greeting. "How are you, Miss Park?" Taehyung asked, his eyebrow raised, still slightly flirtatious.

“It’s Mrs. Park, Mr. Kim,” the older woman replied, still smiling fondly at him. She was in her mid-50s and had known Taehyung for years.

Taehyung placed a hand on his chest in mock surprise, dramatically gasping. “That’s bad news for me, then,” he said, pretending to be heartbroken, even adding puppy eyes to the act.

Mrs. Park chuckled, amused by his theatrics. Taehyung returned her smile—though still hidden behind his mask—and gave a polite bow.

“Long time no see,” Mrs. Park said with a hint of teasing herself.

“Yeah, office work and meetings kept me tied up. It’s been too long,” Taehyung replied, his voice sounding tired.

“Go on, enjoy,” Mrs. Park said knowingly. She could see that Taehyung needed his time in the library to unwind.

Taehyung nodded with another small bow before heading toward his usual spot, unaware of the curious eyes that were glued to him.


Jungkook, hidden behind a pillar, had been observing the whole exchange like a detective in a thriller drama. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but he saw Taehyung’s casual, almost flirty behavior.

"Flirty ajusshi," Jungkook muttered to himself with a judgmental expression, shaking his head in disapproval. He saw how Taehyung leaned on the counter, resting his chin on his knuckle, and filed the image away as suspicious behavior.

Gathering his courage, Jungkook decided it was his turn to interact with the counter lady. He puffed out his chest and muttered to himself, "You're a big boy now, don’t be a coward."

With his confidence bolstered, he imitated Taehyung’s stance, resting his chin on his knuckle and putting on his best serious face. "Hey, beautiful," he tried, copying Taehyung’s words.

Mrs. Park, however, only gave him a sharp glare, unimpressed with his poor imitation.

Jungkook immediately regretted his decision, chuckling nervously. “Haha, just kidding,” he muttered, thoroughly embarrassed. He quickly bowed his head and scurried off, resuming his “mission” to track the suspicious ajusshi.


Jungkook darted between bookshelves, peeking around every corner. His heart raced with excitement, fully convinced that the mysterious man was up to something. Maybe he's here for a secret meeting? Or worse, a kidnapping! His wild imagination spiraled as he gasped at the possibilities.

Finally, Jungkook spotted Taehyung near a window. His eyes widened in disbelief as he whispered to himself, “Is he... reading a book?”

The sight was so unexpected that Jungkook whispered-shouted in disbelief, catching the attention of a nearby librarian who immediately shushed him with a stern glare. He glanced around, relieved that no one else had noticed his outburst.

Determined not to lose sight of his target, Jungkook decided to sit at a table not too far from Taehyung, keeping a close watch. His original plan to nap after school was long forgotten. Instead, he texted his driver uncle, telling him that he was now in the library—reading books. The sweet lie brought a smirk to his face as he settled in for his undercover mission.


Taehyung, on the other hand, was already lost in the world of his book. The familiar setting of the library felt like home to him. He was surrounded by shelves filled with stories, and in this quiet corner, he found peace.


"Taehyung-ah, isn’t this too much? We can’t read all these in one day,” his friend groaned, eyeing the stack of books Taehyung had pulled from the shelves.

“Aww, why !! I want to read them all! They’re all new editions!” An 18-year-old Taehyung whined, determined to devour every word.

His friend sighed. “Fine. Read if you want. I’m going home.”

"Ahh, don’t be like that! Fine, fine—just one book, and then we’ll go," Taehyung relented.

“One book. You promised me,” his friend said sternly, giving him a warning look.

“yes , yes !” Taehyung replied, rolling his eyes, already absorbed in his new book.

End of flashback

Taehyung shook his head at the memory, a small smile forming beneath his mask.


Jungkook continued to watch Taehyung, holding a book in front of his face to cover his spying. Unfortunately, the book was upside down, but Jungkook hadn’t realized yet. His attention was focused on the suspicious ajusshi who seemed to be smiling—or was he smirking ? Jungkook’s eyes grew wider.

“Is he smirking? Oh no, he’s smirking! He’s found his target!” Jungkook panicked in his mind. His thoughts spiraled further—Is he going to kill someone? Kidnap them? No way he’d use a gun in a library. The librarian would throw him out!

Jungkook giggled quietly at the absurdity of his own thoughts, but the panic returned as his mind raced. What if the target is... me? His eyes widened in horror. “Aahhhh!” he mentally screamed, his heart pounding.

His internal crisis was interrupted by the loud ring of his phone. The ringtone, "Ring Ding Dong," echoed through the quiet library, making everyone turn to look at him. Jungkook froze, his face flushed with secondhand embarrassment. Muttering an apology, he bowed and silenced his phone, glancing nervously at the librarian, who mouthed, “Last warning.”

Jungkook sighed in relief, but as his eyes drifted back to Taehyung’s table...

 💥 Boom 💥




Here's the chapter let me know how it is in the comments ✨🤍


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