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Previous :

( "Thank you hyung so actually I want a membership pass of a library "taehyung said

Ehh ?? Library ?? After 3 seconds " I mean , okay I will get you one but tell me from which library you want that" ? Taejoon again start  )


Following that morning Jeon's house was not like usual days no shouting of mrs.jeons , no whinning games , but poor Hyun wo almost choked on his tea when he saw his one and only son coming downstairs like a dead body , with dark circles and messy hairs and mrs. Joen following him with horrified expression like she saw a ghost a min ago .... Actually as usual Mrs. Jeon goes upstairs to wake up that bunny boy but she was freeze on her position as she saw the bunny boy is already in his ready to school dress and was hanging his bag on his shoulder " good morning mom " he said don't know if really the morning is good or not , she was just processing what she saw early after coming back to her sence she started following him.

"Good morning dada "jungkook wish one hand in the air like waving " ohh , ahh ,yeah yeah , good morning baby " hyunwo said still can't believe what he see ...

"What happened to him ? Hyunwo mouthed to mrs.jeon who just shrugged and again mouthed as " I don't know ".

Now the Jeon family was having breakfast but not as usual .. usually jungkook would be whined or complaint about breakfast but today he is silently eating his food or will say playing with , and mr and mrs Jeon are just signalling eachother to asked jungkook what's happen .... and mrs. Jeon wins .

" Jungkook baby are you okay , didn't you sleep well "?? Hyunwo asked jungkook just sigh and reply " i am okay dada " with small smile, "but-- "his dad was going to say something but cut off by the honk of his car
indicating jungkook's driver uncle is here to pick him up for school , he get up from his seat and bids his byes and left for his school not bothering to asked his dad whether he was saying something or not .

"What was that "? Seomi speaks after 5 min of pin drop silence
"Don't worry , he said he is fine "mr.kim said
" but Hyun it's strange to see him like this he was all ready for school before I go up and the dark circles it's concern me more " seomi said with worried tone not understanding the changes in her baby .

"I will talk to him in the evening so don't worry "hyunwo said patting his wife's shoulder with a smile seomi hugged him , he immediately wrapped his one arm around her waist and one now patting her head he kissed her forehead , this sweet moment breaks when hyunwo's phone ringed he once again pated her head they both parted them and started doing their works .....

* In school *

" Jung-- Ahhhhhhh !!!" Shut up shortie why are yo-- Ahhhhhh !!!" Two brunette shout there lungs off seeing a ghost in front of them ....

"J-jung-koo-k , w-what the he-ll is w-rong with yo-u "?? Jimin asked catching his own breath one hand on his heart , it's not like that he daily see's his bestfriend like a ghost with dark circles and staring at nothing particular ...

"Kookie you scared the shit out of us , what happen are you okay ?? It's yeonjun this time he is same as jimin but still managed to talk properly...

"Hyung , don't worry nothings happened why are you all asking the same question and what's with the shouts" ?? .... Jungkook answered and questioned at the same time not having any idea why all are asking same questions first mom dad and now his hyungs ...

"Ahhhhhh !!!! It's jungkook this time asking why , bruh jimin just remove his pouch and hold a mirror in front of himself so it's acceptable for him to shout
( A/n - whats with shouting you all ..
Jungkook - who's writing this * rolled his eyes*
A/n - *disappear in a snap*)

"This justify why we shout , doesn't it ? Jimin asked " what the hell is wrong with my face ? Why I am looking like a ghost?? Jungkook asked touching his face...

"Were you watching series till late night or had a late night ramen party alone "?? Yeonjun asked jimin gasped loudly" kookie party without us , it's not fair "... jimin whined yeonjun just rolled his eyes and looked at jungkook with hope in his eyes that the younger will tell him something but he sigh as he only got silence

" Don't tell me jungkook you were thinking about your so-called suspicious ajusshi whole night " jimin asked little bit loud and annoying tone ....

"Kind of " jungkook shrugged and started fixing his face with some products which jimin keeps for emergency in his pouch

"Suspicious what "?? Jun asked not knowing what suspicious the duo is talking about, and after that jimin takes only 20 mins to explain everything which jungkook told him and now jun was seating there  dumbfounded , first of all they didn't tell him anything earlier and now even after knowing that the man is harmful jungkook wants to see that suspicious ajusshi or whatever , jun looked at jungkook who was busy applying concealer under his eyes , a small smile placed on his blank face cannot help but smile at the little brunette's cuteness ....

"Done " jungkook exclaimed getting up from his chair " where are you going now" ?? Jimin asked as the younger suddenly get up " hyung do you want me to miss my lecture"? He said showing his wrist watch , jimin and yeonjun both were sitting there and jungkook left for his class as there lectures are late than jungkook's

* Time skip *

The school bell ringed and Jungkook was the only student to rush out of the class, he didn't even wait for his hyungs to come ,his classmates were looking at him with shocked because this is new for them ....

Now jungkook is standing in front of his school gate looking at nothing particular but his doe eyes grew wider he blinked once, twice no many times to confirming what he is seeing " That car " he rub his eyes continuously , but the car just parked in front of the library.....

A bunny smile plastered on his face very much excited to see suspicious ajusshi after 24hrs he was just hopping like a bunny is his , not caring about the people looking at him ... and his wait was over when the same man to be exact his suspicious ajusshi come out of the car jungkook feel's a little odd feeling inside his tummy don't know why but today is different no mafia vibes , no black suit the sus man was in simple black oversized sweatshirt, cream pants and white shoes and jungkook was looking at him without a blink

 and his wait was over when the same man to be exact his suspicious ajusshi come out of the car jungkook feel's a little odd feeling inside his tummy don't know why but today is different no mafia vibes , no black suit the sus man was in simple bl...

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( *Imagine black mask* )

"what the hell !! Why he is looking so different today"? Jungkook was thinking as he was taking one one step ahead toward the library .....

"Finally he is here , but why causal clothes??" Jungkook was thinking with a frown on his face, he speed up as he saw taehyung going inside the library, for taehyung it's only 3 steps but for bunny boy who got a little leg was now running to catch up ......


Heyy guys !!! Doing good??

Here's the chapter let me know how it is in the comments ✨🤍

2nd encounter!!!

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