18. Cycle 4 Page 4 [Caveman]

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Ron was confused about the structural integrity of a flesh planet. Before he could even ask — "Glad to know that Captain, but where exactly are we?" — the surroundings seemed to plop back to solid and rigid structures. The Bouncy flesh-like surface started to transform back into the concrete floor.

"Where? This is the VIER facility." Tedd Mercer replied.

Ron was left puzzled as he realized that the conversation with the giant avocado was a dream of some sort. But was it real?

"Secure the Rumpesprekken. Oof! Who termed it like that? And also secure the other break-off. She's a feisty one." Tedd ordered the soldiers behind while viewing the ruckus behind very respectfully. "Yes! Sir!" Soldiers responded as they cuffed Ron and Irina with Magnetic Cuffs. The medic team brought Dan out on a stretcher, he was all beat up. As The concerned captain rushed at him,

"I buzzed the alarm about 5 hours ago, Tedd!!!" Dan screamed.

"You are blaming me!? You are the one who kept your facility's coordinates secret from the PU! We cannot magically decrypt a highly encrypted code! I don't even know why PU trusts VIER anyway!" Tedd defended himself ending with a piercing question.

"Because the PU and the Alliance cannot handle the truth. Those who need to know, know." Dan replied.

"Rest, lieutenant," said Tedd with a sigh.

"He might be a bit unstable — the Rumpesprekken. I had no idea. I thought the other one was." Dan spoke his thoughts.

"The other one?" Tedd asked.

"They called it... him PeePee. Scattered-Energy-Output from it was very different from the other break-offs we studied. PeePee, on the earth, involuntarily communicated with something. Messages we couldn't decipher." Dan answered with concern.

"The one that teleported from Earth for 2 years?" Tedd asked.

"Yes. Do you know where he teleported to? Where he landed?" Dan asked back.

"Where?" questioned Tedd.

"Don't know! Not even the READERs could find out. The Destination was not in this universe." Dan replied.

"NON SENSE!!! You need to get your sleep, Dan. Take him away." Terrified yet in denial, Tedd sent Dan away.

"Told you you couldn't handle the truth! Hahahahah!" Dan laughed away.

Tedd walked towards the drooling powerless body of Kaijin where inspectors were taking samples of PeePee's squished and splattered body. Before he could ask the investigators where the VIER doll was, the ground shook. Well, for a better word, the ground started to buzz in waves.

"Captain! It's the other UCORB!" A frightened soldier standing in front of the VIER doll shouted.

"That one was supposed to be dead! What are you blabbering..." As Tedd stomped towards the soldier, the sight of a glowing white orb floating feet above the VIER doll and the mask stopped him. The orb seemed to be made of strings of light interconnected. Tedd knew what a break-off looked like in free space, the PU termed it Unidentified-Consciousness-Orb, UCORB in short.

Before he could formulate a thought, the investigator from before yelled, "Hey Cap! The body is moving!"

PeePee's broken body started to reform. Blood and flesh splattered from the surroundings started to snap back to the main body. As if, space and time were warping towards PeePee.

At the same time, the orb also started to change. Almost as if it was shedding skin. Inside the white shell, there was a purple hue seeping out. When PeePee's body was fully formed, floating in mid-air with his mouth open wide, the now purple Orb shot towards PeePee and gulped down his throat, glowing his entire nervous system with his eyes shining like maglites.

PeePee in a possessed-like state, with eyes wide open and mouth slightly open, started to make voices no human should be able to make.

Trying to figure out the situation, one of the soldiers mumbled, "Is... is it trying to communicate?"

Absolutely awestruck and terrified Tedd mumbled back, "The translators? ...what does it say?"

"Undetectable sir," answered one of the soldiers.

At One of the jets where Ron and Irina were kept, Irina noticed the sudden silence that was shrouding the VIER facility. The door was left unlocked as the soldiers were drawn towards the sheer absurdity that took place a while ago. Of course, the strange echoing voice was clearly audible to Irina's succubus ears. As she took a peek outside, all she could muster to say was, "M-Master! I-it's your friend! He is alive!!!"

The Grief on Ron's face turned to shock with a hint of fear. Ron and Irina couldn't even make it out of the jet before a loud siren filled the whole dawn-lit facility in terror. Soldiers were saying it's a CON-0.

"What is CON-0?" Ron grabbed and asked a crab-looking alien PU soldier.

"CON-0?! CONTAINMENT Level - 0!!!" The soldier replied. He shoved Ron aside and rushed towards the armory leaving him in sheer darkness.

A soldier from behind sprinted towards them, "Oi you two! Get back in!" and locked them up in the jet.

As the jet left the atmosphere of planet Sch-10-ng, Ron never had seen such a spectacular scene. Swarms of space vessels of different shapes and sizes clouding the stratosphere. As the jet left the stratosphere, larger motherships started to get more visible. An Armada of PU forces. All here for the one threat alarm, CONTAINMENT-0!

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