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I stared around with a racing heart, struggling to process the vivid scene engulfing me. Lush green hills rolled into the distance beneath a bright blue sky. The air even smelled sweeter here.

This had to be a dream. Things like this didn't just happen in real life. One minute I'd been in my bedroom, and the next...teleported here?

I blinked hard, gritting my teeth as I willed everything to morph back into my mundane room. But the surreal landscape remained. Which meant this was really happening somehow.

How was this possible? Had I summoned a portal here in my sleep? None of it made any logical sense.

Hushed voices nearby made me whip around in panic. Two young women strolled along a winding path up ahead, dressed in elaborate gowns and chatting casually. My breath caught in my throat. Wherever I was, it clearly followed different rules than the world I knew.

 Wherever I was, it clearly followed different rules than the world I knew

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My knees wobbled dangerously and I quickly sat, head spinning. I pressed my palms to my eyes, half-expecting to jolt awake at any moment. But an eerie feeling was settling over me - the kind that comes when you know you're not dreaming.

I dropped my hands, heart lurching as I took in the strange terrain again. I was completely alone here in this bizarre realm I couldn't comprehend. No family, no friends, nothing familiar.

What was I supposed to do now? Just start wandering and hope to find answers? Panic constricted my chest at the thought. I didn't even know how I'd arrived here - how could I possibly find my way back home?

The ethereal beauty surrounding me now seemed ominous, the sun too bright. I shivered, the breeze suddenly cold. Adventure stories never mentioned how terrifying the unknown could be when faced head on.

Icy fingers of dread gripped me as the reality sunk in - I was lost in some mystical world I knew nothing about. I had no supplies, no plan, no idea what dangers lurked nearby.

I hugged my knees to my chest, making myself small beneath the sheltering branches of the ancient tree. Wishing for adventure was one thing, but now that I was faced with an unimaginable one alone, all I felt was afraid and very far from home.

A branch snapped loudly behind me and I jumped. My heartbeat stuttered as the sound of footsteps crept closer. This was no daydream - I was trapped in some strange realm, and I was no longer alone here.

Terrified, I huddled tighter against the tree trunk, praying whoever was approaching would pass by without noticing me. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to wake up from this impossible nightmare.

The footsteps grew louder, twigs crackling under heavy tread. They were just on the other side of the tree now. My whole body tensed, bracing for the unknown.


Keep reading for more adventures!

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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