Chapter 18

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The heavy cell door clanged shut behind Shelly, sealing her into the grim depths of the Velvet Bawdry brothel. She was trapped here now at the mercy of her depraved captors.

Gingerly stretching out her freed limbs, Shelly winced at the raw marks on her wrists and ankles - cruel reminders of the ropes that had bound her.

This vile den clearly reveled in inflicting torment and suffering on its prisoners. From somewhere beyond the dank cell walls, Shelly could make faint sounds of coarse laughter intermingling with heart-wrenching sobs.

She hugged her knees tighter, not wanting to imagine the depraved acts playing out in those shadowy chambers.

As pale sunlight crept through the barred window, heavy footsteps approached her cell. Shelly shrank back against the wall as the door creaked open.

"Rise and shine fresh meat," the burly guard from last night leered, his grimy face splitting into a gap-toothed grin. "Fun's just gettin' started for you."

As she was led down the corridor, Shelly glanced at the other cells and felt her stomach drop. Wretched, hollow-eyed figures were trapped behind those rusting bars - a haunting vision of the fate that potentially awaited her.

They soon reached a different area that seemed better maintained than where Shelly had been kept initially. The ambiance here was starkly different from the dank prison cells. It felt like the main quarters of the brothel.

The guard grinned cruelly. "Here's where you get your proper welcome to the Bawdry's...hospitality."

The guard knocked firmly on an ornate door but received no response at first. Faint sounds could be heard from within, but still, no permission to enter was given. The guard waited patiently until finally, the door opened.

A beautiful, red-haired woman appeared in front of them, breathing heavily and absolutely naked. She might have been in her mid-twenties. Her flushed complexion suggested she had been...preoccupied. While attempting to maintain a captivating demeanor, there was also an unmistakable look of displeasure at being interrupted. The guard was staring at the dazzling view in front of him.

The woman ushered them inside, shooting a disdainful glance at Shelly. The lavish chamber had luxurious décor and a unique air of a personal indulgence suite. Two withered women lay on the bed with two older men, both looking crossly at the interruption.

The woman returned to the bed and rejoined them, while the two men who had been softly stroking her body were now staring at Shelly, making her feel very exposed and insecure.

"So this is the new girl you've brought me," the woman said in a voice trying to regain its sultry tone. "I the middle of instructing my associates here. But I suppose tending to the fresh arrival is the priority."

She gave Shelly a patronizing smirk. "Yes, she'll need...thorough orientation to understand her new role and duties here."

Turning to the guard, she directed him to wait outside for now. Though he looked resistant at first, a raised eyebrow from the woman made it clear this was an instruction, not a request. The guard grudgingly complied, leaving Shelly alone with them.

Then she told Shelly to wait as she was in the middle of doing something and they had disturbed her. Shelly felt humiliated as she noticed the woman resume her actions with the four people who had waited for her to restart.

After about 20 minutes, the men and women left the room, and the woman approached her wearing a silk robe and introduced herself as Clarice.

Her demeanor shifted to being outwardly friendly yet stern - making it clear Shelly was in her charge from now on.

Clarice explained that she had been instructed by the brothel's leadership to oversee Shelly's "training" and ensure she learned every aspect of how the Velvet Bawdry operated.

Once Shelly became fully "oriented" to their expectations and services, she would be put into service for the clientele because she was new, and her demand would be high, which would favor the brothel..

Shelly desperately pleaded for Clarice to let her go, that this had all been a terrible mistake. But the woman just laughed derisively. She bluntly stated, "Once someone was brought to the Velvet Bawdry, they never left until they were either purchased outright...or died serving their purpose here."

"You'll learn quickly, Shelly," Clarice said with a predatory smile. "And in time, you'll see there's no use in fighting against what's inevitable."

Shelly's heart sank as she realized that the nightmare had just been started. Shelly felt her last hope fade as the gravity of her terrible scenario became clear.

Unless she finds extraordinary courage, she may soon be damaged beyond repair, just another hollow, wretched soul forever imprisoned in the Velvet Bawdry's wickedness.


Hope you enjoying the story!

What do you think should happen next?

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