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Hey guys,

Little note for you all.

"I hope you like my story as far now. I know you guys thinking, it's little slow but I ensure you all, you will love it in upcoming chapters. It is my first story, so I'm nervous and there so many things in my mind, to put details in every chapter because I wanted my readers to understand the story and will not get stuck with anything."

Lots of love💜


As usual, I spent the previous night fighting my fear, crying alone in the dark silence. I ended the night empty-handed, with nothing to show for the terror I'd endured.

This was always how it went. I was left drained and exhausted, while my anxiety remained as strong as ever.

The doorbell jarred me from troubled sleep. "Yeah, coming," I called hoarsely, dragging myself from bed. Whoever was at the door kept pressing the bell impatiently.

"I'm coming!" I shouted, irritated. "What the-"

I flung open the door to find Ashely on my doorstep.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she grinned. "Or should I say good afternoon?"

I blinked in confusion. "Ashely? What are you doing here?"

"Uh, you invited me over last night, remember?" she breezed past me into the house. "For a sleepover?"

Now it came back to me. "Oh right, but I thought you had to work today?"

"Nope, got canceled," she flopped onto the couch. "So are you gonna invite Rose in too?"

"Rose?" I followed Ashely's gaze behind me to see Rose lingering shyly on the porch. I was mortified that I hadn't even noticed her.

"I'm so sorry, Rose, please come in," I stammered. I shot Ashely a puzzled look as I closed the door. She just grinned and shrugged, clearly enjoying my confusion.

I gathered Rose had invited herself along when she found out Ashely was coming over. Strange, since we weren't very close these days. Not since middle school when she'd suddenly switched schools and fallen out of contact.

I brushed it off for now. "Snacks are in the kitchen cabinet, help yourself. I'm gonna grab a quick shower."

Under the hot spray, I wondered about Rose's unexpected presence. Why was she so eager to see me after all this time?

Ashely was the connection between us, not me. Rose and I had drifted apart years ago. So what did she want?

I pushed my suspicions away as I headed back downstairs in comfy shorts and oversized tee. Rose was just here to hang out and reconnect, I told myself. Nothing more strange than that.

We watched movies and ate delivery pizza as the day faded to night. Rose remained mostly quiet, responding when I tried making conversation but not offering much.

I decided to confront the awkwardness head-on once we headed up to my room. "It's been so long, Rose," I began. "What have you been up to?"

She gave a small smile. "Not much, just trying to get through school. I wanted to see you when I heard Ashely was coming over."

I nodded, though her answer felt evasive. My gut said there was more to it.

Ashely cut in asking to borrow pajamas. After she left to change, I turned back to Rose.

"Just wanted to clear something up," she said, meeting my eyes tentatively. "Do you know Luke Turner?"

I frowned. The name sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't quite place it...

Rose took my confusion as denial. She explained Luke was her boyfriend and she suspected he was cheating. She'd apparently investigated and found links between us.

I stared at her in dismay as she laid out evidence of a friendship I had no memory of. How could she know so much about a relationship I didn't even know existed?

As she pressed me for information, the truth dawned on me. She thought I was the other woman. She'd come here on a mission to catch me admitting to stealing her boyfriend.

My shock shifted to anger. I wanted to defend myself but Rose kept pushing me to confess to something I'd never done. This was going to be a long night...


Hope you guys like this chapter.

What do you think should happen next?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the comments, which will help me to improve.



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