Chapter 2.1.1 - Patrol

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Good News: Chapter posts resume TODAY!

Slightly Lame News: We're starting with 3 chapters a week instead of 4. Long story short, I can't write as fast with this new job, at least not right now. I might still drop a surprise 4th chapter here and there. I'd rather be able to surprise you guys than the opposite.

Be sure to check out the summaries before this if you want a refresher!

Anyway, let's get to it...

BEGIN Neon Nights Arc

Mod Superhero 3:



Mod, Arsenal, and McGuire weaved across the rooftops of Belport. Tonight, their path took them in a wide arc around downtown. They kept the skyscrapers on their left, like a giant forest of metal that they were afraid to go into.

It'd been almost three weeks since their mission to destroy the mutagen manufacturing warehouse, and each night Mod tried to go out on patrol. McGuire tagged along almost every night, and Clara tried to catch up with them en route. They never went out at quite the same time and tried to vary their paths through the city. It kept them from getting bored and cut down on the odds of them being followed.

Emmett used his new prosthetic legs to easily leap up to the top of the next building, savoring the rush of wind as he did.

McGuire followed, using a combination of energy storing springs in his boots and grappling hook. His backpack and vest were filled to the brim with crazy inventions and jostled with each step.

Clara was right behind them. Instead of flying by using a constant stream of power through her thrusters, Clara had been forcing herself to use short bursts in combination with jumping. Her reasoning was that if she was forced to stay at 50% power, then she was going to make the most of it. It had taken a couple of days, but now she was sprinting and jumping across the rooftops like the armor was an extension of her body. The alloys were light enough that she didn't go crashing through the roof when she ran, but she was careful with jumps, using the thrusters to slow her descent just before he landed.

She'd made so much progress, in fact, that Emmett bet that she'd been practicing in the Gray Room back in the lab... Not that he would know. He hadn't been back to visit Dr. Venture.

The last time Emmett was in the lab, he'd been almost killed by his former roommate. Dr. Venture had saved Emmett's life—again—but he'd also been lying to Emmett.

And Emmett didn't know if he could forgive Dr. Venture.

McGuire soared past Emmett. "On your right!" McGuire called as he landed and kept running.

Emmett pushed the thoughts of his former mentor aside and sprinted after McGuire.

It didn't take long to pass him.

The Mutagen-A in Emmett's system had strengthened him past the peak of human training. His newfound prosthetic legs pushed him even further. Even with his reality-warping boots, McGuire didn't stand a chance.

Emmett landed on the next apartment roof, hot on McGuire's heels, and quickly overtook him. The skyline of Belport became a blur. Emmett leapt for the next roof but leapt wide—

He slung his whip up to grip the ledge, then let his momentum swing him all the way to the next building. At the apex of his swing, he let go, grinning like a maniac as he hurtled through the air.

He rolled to a stop on the next roof and turned to see both McGuire and Clara racing to catch up. They stayed neck and neck—all the way until they both landed on the roof with Emmett. At the same time.

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