When in Rome

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I learned that my cousin had an abortion.

And whatever she did, I support her. That's her choice. I know she was no where close to being ready to mother a life. But despite her choice, I'm still not sure if I'm okay with abortions.

What is that word, even? Abortions. You abort missions when something's gone extremely wrong. Fetuses, although "ending" it's support off the mother and all that, I don't believe the operation should be called an abortion.

My mother tried to force me into a miscarriage when I was about six months along by posoining herself. There for a while, doctors believed I was a miscarriage. She smoked and drank with each of my siblings and me. They were born with holes in their hearts and one's umbilicle cord was wrapped around their neck. I was born with nothing wrong with me.

Later they found out that I was the one with the most problems mentally.

A life through rose colored lenses is a terrible one lived. A life with true pain and despair. With true love. It's a beautiful one. And beauty has to hurt.

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