Better in red.

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Every since your brother had joined the Red Bull in 2014 and then we bad been called up to Toro Rosso in 2015 and only a year later completing his dream of driving for Red Bull Racing, you grew up with blue being the only colour for you.
And so when you met Charles you knew you were in trouble. At first your family disapproved of him, and you couldn't blame them, especially Max. After all he had been a sort of rival of his growing up. Thankfully though, your mum had been the first to warm up to him. Charles offering to help her cook when introducing him to the rest of the family had her practically in love with him then and there.
Although despite your mums approval of him, your dad had taken much, much, longer to do so and after around a year of dating he finally shook his hand for the first time. As for your brother he never truly got used to the idea of you dating him.
Your blue, "Verstappen 33"  jersey had reached just below your mid thigh, sitting nicely over your tight white shorts, as you prepared yourself for the race, choosing to spend it at Charles' place alone in Monaco whilst he had been in France. Normally races this close would have you joining him, and Max, but college had you more busy thank you wisher to admit.
And although you knew it would of been much to your families disappointment if you were ever to admit it out loud, you couldn't help but feel a little hot and heavy seeing Charles out in his red fireproofs.
Although you would vouch for life that he had been the only person to ever suit it, and that not a single other would.
The first half of the race had been a disaster to say the least, Charles DNFing only 18 laps in. Although on the other hand, you couldn't help but cheer for your brother as he led yet another race. Carlos had also been given a penalty for an unsafe release, yet another thing to ruin the day of the ferrari team.
The rest of the race had been pretty much smooth sailing for Max, not really having much of a challenge aside from Lewis but even then the Mercedes wasn't much of a threat.
You could see Charles walking back towards the garage from the camera now focused on him, swearing to himself and arguing with one of the stewards before walking off into the garage. You knew it was wrong to be thinking something like this when your boyfriend had just had a massive blow in his championship dreams, but the sight of him being so angry got you finding him even more attractive than you thought you ever could.
Hours later and the house had been silent when you heard his car door slam, the sound of his keys in the door breaking your attention away from the paused tv, he dropped his bag by the door. "When did you get here?" His shock was evident with the look on his face, half expecting you to be out celebrating with your family or friends for your brothers win.
"Just before the race, watched it here." You moved over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he looked down at you, eyes brushing over the red bull logo and a slightly disgusted look etched onto his face. "I'm proud of you, no matter what."
Charles nodded his head, allowing his arms to bring you flush against him, resting on the small of your back. "I know, but that bastard brother of yours still got the 25 points." At his words you tried to suppress the smile that made its way onto your face. "I'm happy you're finding this amusing, chérie."
Your hand rested on his cheek, holding it as he leant into your touch. "That's not fair Charles, he's my brother of course i want him to win."
"So you didn't want your boyfriend to win then?"
For a second you feigned thinking, smiling to yourself before removing your hand from his face and threading your fingers through his hair. "I'm sure you're gonna be feeling like a winner when I'm finished with you."
Before he could ask what you meant, you slammed your lips against him, gripping at his hair enough to make him groan. Something which gave you the perfect opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth. Without breaking the kiss you slid his jacket down his shoulders, holding onto his biceps a little longer before letting the material drop to the floor.
Next to be removed was his red team shirt, the look of the top on anyone else enough to make you want to walk in the opposite direction but on him it had looked perfect, like he had been made to wear it.
And maybe he bad been.
Charles broke away as you lifted the shirt over his head, goosebumps rising all over his arms and you could feel your mouth watering as you traced his abs with your fingers, his muscles tensing under your touch. "Take your top off." You did as he asked, well more so told you to do and removed your top, as you did he handed you his. "Put it on."
You grimaced at the Monegasques words. "Charles, i am not wearing that." You crossed your arms in stubborn attempt to tell him you weren't budging.
"Put it on."
Goosebumps rose on your own skin as be spoke, your body betraying your mind at the tone of his voice. "No."
Charles' jaw ticked as he grew more annoyed, but still he was going to prove a point. "Put the damn shirt on or i'll leave you so close to cumming you'll of wished you put it on."
The fact he had left you on the edge multiple times before was why you knew he meant what he said. "I hate you." Snatching the shirt out of his hands you could see his smirk as you brought it over your head, refusing to even look at the material as you glared at him. As you had removed your own shirt, Charles caught a glance at the red lacy bralette you had on, one which barely covered your breasts.
In a second his animalistic need for you took over, Charles had your lips on his again. Enjoying the way you looked in his top far too much, knowing it was unlikely to ever happen in public. His tongue had invaded your mouth, exploring it as though he hadn't done a thousand times before. When he pulled away this time he nipped your bottom lips, dragging it with him before letting it bounce back into place. A low moan escaped your throat at the feeling.
Knowing that it was going to go further than just a quick make out session in the living room, you and Charles moved into his bedroom, him sitting down with your knees on either side of him, straddling him.
Your kissed up and down his neck, leaving hickeys in visible places, something you were going to enjoy seeing him try to cover up the next morning. Charles' hand lay firmly on your ass, not moving from it since you had both sat down.
For a minute you pulled away, admiring the new purple colours that littered his muscular neck, moving further down to his collarbone and sucking on that one spot you knew had him like putty in your hands. "Merde." He groaned in your ear, his accent getting thicker the more turned on he gets.
One of Charles' hands finally moved from your ass, travelling up your side to push the hair that had fallen in front of your face behind your ear before reaching it destination around your neck. He squeezed on it gently, enough to make your head go fuzzy from the feeling but nothing too crazy.
Taking this as his opportunity to get the power over you, he tilted your jaw up, placing kissed alongside it, hand still wrapped around your throat. Enjoying the way he felt it move as you swallowed. Small whimpers and whines were heard as he licked a stripe up your neck, continuing his attack on the soft skin.
Charles moved his attention lower, trailing more kisses down the exposed parts of your neck but not leaving any hickeys high enough to be visibly, much to your dislike. Just like you had done to him, Charles' mouth soon found your sweet spot, gliding his lips and tongue effortlessly over it and basking in the whines you let out at the feeling. "Charles, i need you." You moaned as he bit down slightly on your flesh, soothing it over instantly with his tongue. "Please."
"What do you need, ma belle?" He mumbled against your skin, not wanting to take himself away from you just yet. "Hm." He sighed at your silence, ring digging lightly into your neck as he applied more pressure. "Tell me what you need from me, or i can't help you."
You gasped as he began to suck another hickey, this time lowering some of his shirt down to do so. "I want you to fuck me."
Charles couldn't help but laugh at how desperate you already were for him. "I know you do, i will, but not now." Pressing a soft kiss against your temple, he spoke again. "What do you need me to do right now?" He lowered his hands, palming your covered breasts over his shirt but still he could feel your hardened nipples, even through the thin lingerie and material of his shirt.
His words had you realising your empty pleas would get you nowhere with him. Instead you grabbed one of his hands, slipping it down both of your bodies until it reached your shorts. "I need you to touch me, here, please."
"See, chérie, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Charles easily flipped you over, your back now securely against the multiple pillows you had forced him to buy. Not one for time wasting, his fingers hooked the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down, revealing the matching red thong you had worn for him. "Are you sure you're little Miss Red Bull? You look an awful lot like a ferrari girl. Who would've thought you had it in you to wear this." Tauntingly, Charles snapped the band of fabric against your skin. "Wonder what your family would say about it, bet they'd be disappointed." You almost rolled your eyes at his teasing, only holding yourself off from doing so knowing it would only make him want to do it more.
Quickly he pulled the shorts down and off your ankles, although he waited a little longer to do the same with your panties, savouring the moment of seeing you in all red, something he'd be seeing for a while. "Charles, hurry up." He laughed at your impatience, placing a small kiss to your clothed pussy before following your shorts and taking off your panties.
Only then had he realised how wet you actually were, seeing your arousal practically dripping onto the bedsheets turned him on more then he could even imagine. Charles grabbed onto both your thighs, his grip enough to bruise as he pulled you closer to him. He kissed from your ankle down to the inside of your thigh on both legs, wanting to appreciate every part of you before he started.
Charles finally gave a strategic kiss to your clit, your hips already bucking up at the touch. Again, he couldn't help but laugh at how eager you were for him to touch you. "So needy." He mocked, circling your clit with his tongue. His newly placed arm around your waist preventing you from moving too much.
You bit down on your first fist, trying to suppress the moans be could coax out of you with barely any effort
"Don't be mean, Charles." The pleasure crawled over your skin as he finally began to put some pressure on you. The feeling of his tongue pushing through your folds and his nose bumping against your clit whilst he did so becoming overwhelming.
The added stimulation of his stubble brushing against the sensitive skin causing shockwaves to pass through you.
It was embarrassing how quickly Charles could bring you to the edge. But he knew how to pleasure you, he knew every spot that would make your eyes roll back or your toes curl, he somehow just knew.
Every girl dreamed of a guy or girl that could make them feel this way and you were lucky enough to find him so soon.
His tongue against you was something else, but when he brought his thumb up to circle your clit simultaneously, you knew it was only seconds before you would let go. As did Charles.  Your breathing became erratic, you could feel your release tumbling towards you, the feeling about to completely overtake your body when Charles pulls away, a smirk on his face.
"Charles! What the fuck i was so close!" You cursed him out, trying to pull him closer again for any type of friction that would be just enough tip you over the edge. Although, no friction came. Instead, Charles slammed his lips against yours. The pressure making you moan against him, granting his tongue permission to enter your mouth. The scratching of his stubble against your jaw had you whimpering into the kiss. On his tongue you could taste the remnants of yourself, deepening the kiss.
Eventually, Charles released your lips, repeating his earlier actions of pulling at your bottom lip and loving the way it bounces back into place. "Do you want to cum?" You nodded your head as he asked, thinking it to be the dumbest question he could have out of them all. "Okay then."
You got yourself ready for him to go down on you again only for Charles to tug at your thighs, lifting you up and placing you on one of his own as he sat at the edge of the bed. You looked at him, raising your eyebrows as your cheeks blushed red. The realisation what he wanted you to do hitting you. "Ride it, ride my thigh and then you can cum."
Charles pushed the hair away from the front of your face, desperate to see every reaction you gave whilst you fell apart on his thigh. His hands moved down and rested on either of your hips, he had moved the material of his shorts up a little as to not cause friction burn, although something told him that you wouldve like that.
Slowly you began rocking your hips just as you would when you rode him, gasping at the skin on skin contact,  but it soon turning into a moan as the pleasure began to build up once again. "Fuck, Charles." You moaned his name as his hands guided your hips moving up and down.
A louder moan slipped past your lips as he flexed his thigh underneath you, adding even more to your pleasure.
With newfound confidence you began to speed up, his thigh already soaked with the slick of your arousal, making it easier for your hips to move. As your high began to build up once again your movements became more careless, Charles leaving you to do the work yourself, cockily sitting back with his arms behind his head.
You connected your lips to his as you continued to ride his thigh, catching his by surprise but still he kissed back with the same amount of energy. "You are so fucking gorgeous." He whispered into you ear as his hands regained their position on your hips, moving along with the pace you set.
You bit your lip to suppress your moans, something he hadn't been too fond off as he pulled your bottom lip out from underneath. "Ne cache pas à quel point tu te sens bien." dont hide how good you feel
Your thighs burned as you continued to move your hips along him, you could feel yourself sweating underneath his shirt but you knew what would happen if you took it off and with you this close you weren't going to chance it.
Even with the hold of Charles, your movements had became more and more sloppy as the signature coil in your stomach began to tighten again, the feeling  coming even stronger and quicker then before. Your arms wrapped around Charles' neck as your orgasm washed over you. Lowering your head into his neck you bit down lightly on his shoulder to conceal the moans and profanities that rolled off your tongue.
Charles held you until you came down from your high, rubbing circles on your back and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. "You did so good, mon amour." He praised as he spoke by the shell of your ear, placing a kiss behind it before pulling back. "Think you handle another?"
Before you could even answer his question his hands began rocking your hips slower than before but still at a pace that made you flinch from the feeling. Moaning at the overstimulation. His name left your lips along with a string of whines and curse words. Soft kisses were placed from the back of your jaw to the front, Charles sucking harsher and leaving yet another hickey.
As his hands moved your hips faster on his thigh you could feel them beginning to shake already. The familiar burn taking over again as your second orgasm was fast approaching. At the sensation you shook your head, the pleasure becoming more and more overwhelming as Charles refused to slow down, instead picking up the pace. "I'm so close." You moaned into his ear, barely being able to conceal the noises you made. "Please." You pleaded with him.
"I know." Charles left a kiss behind your ear as she whispered into it. At the borderline pornographic moan you let out, both you and Charles knew you were close. "Let go for me." At his words you felt your release take over, losing control of your entire body for a couple seconds as you felt the rush of pleasure in every part of you.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth hung low, unable to let out any noise from the extremity of the feeling. It took just less than a minute for you to relax once again, your head falling into the Charles' neck, attempting to catch your breath as he wrapped his arms tighter around your waist.
He couldn't stop his cock twitching as he stared at you, the fucked out look on your face as your cheeks were a rosy shade of pink, a thin layer of sweat on your forehead and your entirely blown out pupils. You could visibly see how hard he was in his shorts, one thing you had been thankful for was that they left nothing to the imagination, nothing. You moved down a bit so that you could push Charles down against the bed, lowering yourself further down the bed until you nearly reached the end.
Your hands drifted towards his waistband, Charles quickly grabbing your hands. "Let me help you, please." Making sure you 100% wanted to, and not feeling like you had to, Charles let go of your hands and you removed them as quickly as you could dragging them down to his muscular thighs, him cock inches away and only left in just his tight white calvins.
Painfully slow you pulled down his calvins, his hard cock slapping against his lower stomach, the tip coated completely in pre cum. No matter how many times you'd seen it, and how many more times you're sure you'll see it, every time felt like first. As you looked between him and cock, your mouth watered at the sight.
Charles had propped himself up on his forearms to be able to look at you. Teasingly, you placed a singular kiss to the tip, watching as it twitched and smugly smiling up at Charles who already had his eyes closes im anticipation. From the tip to the base you continued a line of kisses, wanting every part of him to be appreciated like he had to you. When you reached the tip again, you licked away the salty pre cum that coated your lips, hearing him groan.
You gathered enough spit in your hand, moving your hand up and down the length of his cock, making sure to reach every part of it. As you looked up at him you could see his eyes fluttering shut and his forearms shaking, nearly giving out already. "You've always been so responsive, baby." You smirked as he groaned at your words.
The veins in his arms rippled as he held himself up, only a little while longer and he would be collapsing against the bed.
Charles' hips bucked up into your hand, needing more than what you were giving him. He was desperate to be able to feel your lips around his cock, watching as it disappeared down your throat then reappeared seconds later. The way your mascara is half way down your face afterwards driving him crazy inside. Your lips ghosted over his tip once again, your hot breath fanning against. "Please mon amour, let me feel you."
If there was one thing you loved more than Charles, it was hearing him begging. The power trip it gave you to have him as putty in your hands and be able to take away what he was feeling instantly, it made you feel in control and you revelled in that. "You're so needy, Charles."
Another thing you loved was mocking him with his own words, the same ones he had whispered against your skin being his own downfall.
Instead of giving him what he wanted you continued to kiss up and down his length. Changing your path over to the thick thighs of his you loved so much, leaving hickey's as a reminder onto them both. Charles' hips bucked up again, desperation in his eyes as he looked down at you. "Cmon y/n, haven't you teased me enough? Please just-"
His breath had caught in his throat when you pushed his cock down as far as it could go, the tip hitting against the back of your throat had you gagging. He let out a groan as you bobbed your head up and down, grabbing your hair and making a makeshift ponytail out of it to guide you.
Your nails dug into his thigh as he continued to push himself deeper down your throat, groaning when you gagged around him, the vibrations sending him into a frenzy. "Shit, you're mouth is so perfect." Charles' head rolled back in pleasure as he spoke the simple words of praise, his exposed neck taunting you to leave more marks.
Charles' face contorted into different variations of pleasure when you looked up at him through your eyelashes. Finally he looked back down at you to find you already looking at him, moaning as you kept eye contact. The heavy hand on your head forced his cock down your throat again, hollowing out your cheeks to allow him down further.
Salty tears escaped your eyes, the blackening from your mascara dripping down your face as you continued. When you felt Charles' thighs start to twitch and tense you knew he was close. "Fuck, don't stop." He was practically pleading with you and thankfully for him you had no agenda to stop until he was cumming down your throat.
Which would come as soon as you thought, within seconds his breath caught in his throat as you felt the pressure of him grip lessen and Charles didn't move from your mouth until every last bit of his release was down your throat. Without hesitation , you swallowed, the saltiness you were already used to leaving an after-taste.
Your head rested against his thigh, smiling up at him and basking in the sight of his post-orgasm glow. The one he would get every time and you could still never get sick of.
You sat up, moving up the bed to where Charles sat with his legs still spread, you taking your place in between them on his thighs. You felt your core twitch as it made contact with his bare skin, although put it to the side as you only wanted to focus on kissing him.
Charles' hands sat softly on your hips once again, his touch featherlight in contrast to the rough kiss you two shared.
As the two of you kissed, Charles' hands began to rock your body into his, the small whimpers slipping from your mouth at just the simple contact. You could already feel your wetness beginning to dampen his thigh. Pulling away from him, your lips went to his ear. "Charles, i want you to fuck me."
Not even needing to voice a reply, Charles already had your body turned over, your face pushed into the soft mattress of your bed, grabbing a pillow and placing it under your head for support. He stroked himself a couple times, his cock hardening in his hand before he lined it up with your entrance.
He stopped for a second, eyes glued to his number that was splayed across your back. The same number he had worn since his debut in F1, despite it being his third choice, now proudly adorned every team shirt he owned. Lightly, he outlined the number with the tips of his fingers, a smile on his face as it now sat proudly on you.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he pushed into you, the moans you let out being shielded with the pillow. "Look at you letting me fuck you like this." At his words your moans grew louder, only prompting him to thrust into you harder, his grip on your hips no doubt going to develop into bruises.
Feeling every inch of him in you, every vein as he let out moans of his own. His pace never faltered, not even when your thighs shook from the pleasure you were experiencing. Your nails dug into the crisp white sheets you lay on, gripping onto them as you could feel yourself nearing your orgasm once again.
Charles could already feel you clenching around him, which was already making him near his own release quicker. He kept thrusting into you a gruelling speed, although his movements became more erratic as he continued, his own thighs shaking slightly. "You gonna cum for me?" You nodded frantically at his words, unable to form a coherent sentence.
You felt his lips trailing from the bottom of your back and to the back of your neck, moving to place more soft kisses beneath and behind your ear. When your orgasm finally washed over you, you could barely hold yourself up. Underneath your arms gave way, moaning into the pillow you felt a collection of tears drop from your eye from the overstimulation.
Within a couple seconds you felt Charles release inside of you, the warm liquid being kept deep into you as he stilled. You both stayed like that for a couple of seconds, trying to catch your breaths and neither wanting to be the first to move.
Charles followed his trail down from the back of your neck, stopping to trace the #16 on your back, till he met the bottom of your back and himself out, watching his cum drip out from your pussy. He was quick to grab a dampened cloth from the bathroom, carefully cleaning you up.
You rolled onto your back, looking up to the ceiling of his bedroom, your breath still irregular. Charles joined you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him and finally planting a kiss on the top of your forehead. His fingers fidgeted with the hem of his red team shirt, taking a mental image of the sight in front of him, knowing he was most likely not going to see it for a long time. "You always looked better in red."
You wore his shirt a lot more after that, despite your brothers protests. And of course you couldn't forget the red matching set underneath, just incase.

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