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I leave my food empty plate and get up. However I noticed I was the only one that got up. Blaise was still eating and so was Eliza. I sighed and left the two alone to see what classes I had at what time. It seemed pretty normal to me, had all the classes as I did the year before just higher level. As I was walking to go back to the common room I felt something from behind me. I stopped to turn around but I wasn't even able to do that as crabe and goyal both walked in front of me.

"What are you two idiots doing?"

They both chuckled and seemed to be looking past me. When I finally turned around, Malfoy was towering above me. My attitude sort of lifted considering how cool we were last night. But he was in public now.

"Leaving breakfast already?"

His voice sounded much different from the night before. It had the certain tone that could dampen my mood in 2 seconds. I rolled my eyes.

"What's it to you?"

He scoffed and looked at crabe and goyle.

"No one was instructed to leave the hall. And since your out here running about, you'll lose us house points."

I crossed my arms.

"Malfoy if your so worried about me losing house points then why did you sit with me in the common room last night?"

He immediately tensed up. His eyes felt like they were knives piercing through mine.  I could see crabe and goyle share a confused look out of the corners of my eyes.

"I went down there to do the same thing I'm doing right now! Make sure your not breaking rules."

"When did you become a prefect?"

I stepped closer to him. That's when Eliza and Blaise came from the hall and a few more students trickled in as well. It seems everyone's been dismissed now.

"What's going on here?"

Blaise approached with a smirk. Malfoy backed away from me.

"She was gonna lose us house points"

He said plainly. Blaise rolled his eyes. I look over to Eliza and she's just looking at me with a single eye brow raised.

"Cmon man leave her alone. We're all on our way to the dorm."

He scoffed and pointed his head towards the other direction. Him, crabe and goyle were all off, walking away from us.

"He has been in more and more in my business in the past two days then he has in the past three years."

That's when I noticed Blaise's hand placement on Eliza. A single hand was in his pocket and the other around her waist. I look to Eliza and she has a smirk on her face.

"What's going on here?"

I mocked as I turn to the two of them.

"Oh ya know, just showing everyone she's officially mine."

Blaise said while shrugging his shoulders. He was always so chill about everything.

"Oh well, Blaise I hate to tell you this but, you've got to compete with me for my good friend."

I say as i jokingly caress Eliza's arm.

" You've got Malfoy."

I immediately stop at the words. I look up at him.

"I'm sorry?"

He chuckles.

"When you left we saw Malfoy leave and I asked Blaise what was up with him. And he said that those details are only ones he could tell his girlfriend."

Eliza giggled at the words, obviously being head over heels.

"So i have some things to share with you."

I felt slight butterflies in my stomach from the suspense. But the thought of it being about Draco calmed them. I made a sour face.

"Absolutely not. Don't even want to hear it."

I start to walk away in the direction I was originally going before I was stopped.

"Oh yes you do! And even if you don't your gonna hear it anyways."

I rolled my eyes, the butterflies that were once calmed started back up the moment I thought about it. I kinda wanted to hear it honestly, I just hated who it was about.

Back in the common room I was sitting in a chair catching up on some summer studying I most definitely did not do. Eliza comes running into common room nearly skipping over me.

"There's a party tonight"

A big smirk went over my face.

"Is that so"

She nods.

"Yep, last day of summer, gryffindor is holding it."

I scrunch my nose.


"Oh come on! It's their turn to host. It won't be that bad."

I sigh and I get up, ditching the summer work that I was once staring at and walk to our room.

"Hey, what did you want to tell me about earlier? About Malfoy?"

She furrowed her brows.

"I thought you didn't want to hear about it."

I could practically hear her smirk. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Well you know I'm just a curious person by nature okay."


I hit her arm as we entered the room. No one else was in it which made the timing perfect for her to tell me.

"Blaise told me that when Draco saw you once on the train this year and would not stop staring at you or in your direction. Then, he was in the same carriage as us? What a coincidence!"

She told me with full sarcasm.

"Ok so Draco dosnt like me. He just thinks I'm attractive."

I said plainly. A little hurt because the thought of last night would not leave my head. The way he was just so unfiltered and calm. Eliza pointed at me.

"That's what I thought to but then you told me about how he met with you in the common room and what Blaise said about hat whole ordeal..."

I really didn't want to overthink about the SINGLE interaction draco and I had. But it was hard not to. Because it was so unusual of him.

I Shake my head. I believe what Blaise told eliza is true, I really do. But I don't think it's as serious as they are making it. Malfoy thinks I'm attractive. That was all that was to it.

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