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The Arataki Gang was a rowdy bunch. I'd met some of them once before, but only briefly. That would include their very loud and obnoxious leader. Kuki—my friend—had said his name was Itto.

I knew it was probably disrespectful to a degree, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him—off of those crimson horns that protruded from his head. I knew that they likely weren't headdresses of some strange kind, but other than that, I had no idea what they could've been—what they might mean.

"Itto caught your eye, Y/n?" Kuki murmured to me, a teasing gleam in her reddish-violet eyes.

I watched as he danced around the campfire to the joyful songs of his men, the firelight flickering on his face. His horns seemed to absorb the fire's warmth, causing them to glow brightly despite the darkness. "He's very... uh..." I couldn't find the words—though I knew they were mainly positive.


"Yeah, sure. What are—what are those..?" I motioned to the top of my head.

"His horns?" Kuki asked. I nodded. "Why don't you ask him?"

I hummed thoughtfully. "I... I don't know... He seems nice and all but..."

Kuki chuckled lightly, her light green locks bouncing with the motion. "Don't tell me you're scared."

I turned red with embarrassment and waved my hands in denial. "N—no! No, of course not! You're—you're crazy."

Kuki laughed again, enticing a small nervous chuckle from my being. "Maybe I am—but I think it would still be nice to at least say hello." I cast my gaze back onto Itto as he cheerfully danced with some kids—perhaps siblings or other family members to the people in his gang. "Go on. It'll be good for you to have another friend in the gang."

I sighed and pushed myself up off the log the two of us sat atop. I'd probably regret it but... "Alright. I'll do it."

Kuki clapped her hands together in endearment and encouragement. "I'll be watching over you in case anything happens."

I paused and looked over my shoulder, trying—and failing—to mask my uneasiness. "Will—will something happen?"

"Potentially. It is Itto, after all."

I contained the shudder that went through me, reverberating in my bones, before continuing my walk up to Itto. He'd stopped dancing, now playing hand games with the kids he had just been entertaining.

I wasn't sure how to introduce myself, running through ways to do so as I stood there. But it seemed I didn't need to, as Itto soon noticed me standing awkwardly to the side. "Go play by yourselves, kids," he said to his young companions. "Uncle Itto's got something to take care of."

They all whined in protest but complied as Itto laughed and waved them away. He then approached me, and wow... I'd known he was tall—but not this tall. He towered above me. I'd never felt this way before—so... so small and insignificant.

"Hello there," Itto said, waving as he came to a stop in front of me.


Itto laughed. "Don't feel afraid. I won't hurt you." I only nodded. "I noticed you standing there by yourself. Kuki's friend, right?" I nodded again. "N—N/n or something..."

I giggled lightly. "Y/n."

"Y/n—right. Speaking of Kuki, why aren't you with her?"

"K—Kuki had... had something to take care of. I came over to see if—if I could find someone else to hang out with in the meantime." I sucked in a breath, willing myself into calm. I was ok. Everything was alright.

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