Part 12: Finding out the truth

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Something mushed beneath my feet. It felt grainy, and looked as if it sparkled. A sound of waves crashed against the shore. Sand... this was sand. I spun slowly in a circle, taking in my surroundings. I was on a beach, surrounded by sand and logs. Cliffs hung over the shore about 50 feet to my right side. I remembered being surrounded by people and screaming... then nothing. My feet started to walk along the shore. It was relaxing, but I needed to get back. Wherever back was...

"Anastasia." A whisper seemed to whisper through the wind. I stopped and looked around. Nobody seemed to be near me, until I turned around, towards the cliff. A shadow stood at the top. Without thinking, I ran toward it. At the top, stood a woman. She had long red curly hair, bright green eyes, and freckles like me. Wrinkles had started forming near her eyes. "My sweet Anastasia." She placed a hand to her heart.

"I really, REALLY wish people would stop calling me that. My name is Serafina. SERA-FINA. I'm not this Anastasia everybody keeps calling me!" I threw my hand up in the air, frustrated. "Where are we? Did you have something to do with that attack?"

The woman stepped back. "Attack? What on earth are you talking about? Did somebody attack you?"

I looked at her in bewilderment. Who was this damn woman? Why was she lying? "Don't play dumb with me. My flock and I were surrounded. By people who claimed they knew me."

"Oh sweet girl... I would never do anything to harm you. EVER." She looked at me, taken aback by what I said. She reached her hand out to me. "I am Adessa, a witch. But to you, I am a mother."

I stepped backwards, mind reeling again. "I... How am I here?"

She took another step towards me. "Well, if what you said is true, the hit must've knocked you out hard. What did this woman look like who surrounded you with people?"

There was a brief moment of silence as I took in everything that was happening. The sound of the waves were the only sounds between the awkwardness between us. "I never told you a woman was there... And I wasn't knocked out by these people. I was knocked out by something else."

She raised her eyebrow at me, her wrinkles flattening around her eyes. "It was Cora wasn't it? Curly black hair, older lady, tanned skin?" I nodded, mouth gaping open. "My love... Cora... she took you from me. She was too afraid of what you'd be able to accomplish when you were of age. Too afraid of the power you contained. She banished me here, to suffer the silence until I would be reunited with my sweet Anastasia. To be reunited with YOU."

I looked up at her teary eyed. Was this my mother? How did I even get here? What powers was she talking about? Suddenly, I remembered what knocked me out. The scream, the fire surrounding my family and I, then everything faded. Had I gone into a coma and somehow... ended up here? "What do you mean power?"

    She was now right in front of me, holding her hand to my cheek. I didn't flinch or try to move away. It felt... like a dream, like comfort. A comfort I don't remember feeling.

"You Serafina, as you like to be called, are a very powerful witch. Born from both light and dark. Born from an angel and a witch. The only most powerful being that exists. Your father was a very well known angel throughout this world, a very powerful angel. Certain people feared your power. Feared what you would become. People who followed Cora. That is why she took you. I feared she killed you, or had you ordered to be killed."

I looked at her again. It all made sense... why I had wings, why I was able to hear so well, why this random burst of fire came out of me. Was there more to my powers that I had yet to experience?

"Now, this reunion must be short. I promise I'll find you again, my sweet daughter. But, you need to get back. You need to find a way to get rid of her followers. The people she was with aren't the only ones. There's more people who envy your power. More people who would strip you away and send you back to wherever you were. Defeat them. Defeat them and then find a way to get me back. I know you can." She kissed my forehead and then everything went dark again. The sound of the ocean faded, the sand faded, until there was nothing left.


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