Part 17: Finding Information on the Lost Prince

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The city of Azure looked nothing like the other surrounding cities. This was like the rich part of Accalon. There were mansions three stories high, some farmland, some smaller houses but big all the same. The castle stood facing the city atop a mountain, overlooking the whole city.

"You could probably see all the way to Solaras city from that thing." Rome said, breaking the silence and pointing to the castle.

"You're not mad at me?"

He turned to me, putting his arm around my headrest. "Of course not. It was just a lot to process. I mean not everybody says they get to go on a date with a princess, especially the daughter of the lost prince." He smirked before bursting into laughter. "Your secret is safe with me. Now let's find information on this prince."

"Not a date yet. Just two people helping each other find information." I said, shaking my finger at him.

He nodded. "Yes yes, but eventually, a date." He smiled.

He was cute even when he was cocky. We pulled up to the library and he opened my door to let me out of the shuttle. The library even looked like it belonged to rich people. Two brass lions sat by the steps atop two pedestals, marble columns stood by the solid wooden door, and the windows had what looked like beautiful paintings of angels. I stood there, taking in the view, not realizing the rain was starting to soak my clothes. Rome ran past me, up the steps and opened the door, waiting for me to walk inside. It's now or never I thought before walking up the steps and in through the wooden door.

The inside of the library felt just as magical, just as big. Rows and rows of books stood before us. A marble desk sat up front with a woman seated at a computer, filing her nails. She looked up at us from her seat and set her nail file down.

"Hello, welcome to Azure Library, may I help you find anything?"

Rome nudged me forward. "Uh yes, we're looking for articles or books on Prince Michael?" I could feel my face getting warm, I was beyond nervous to find anything, if we found anything.

"Head up those stairs, and it's the first shelf on the left." She smiled, pointing to the stairs to our right. Rome grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs, pretty much dragging me because my feet decided not to work.

We looked through the shelf until finally coming across some articles of Prince Michael. Nothing was in here about me, but why would there be if I was a secret my mother kept from me? There were articles about balls he'd thrown, gatherings he had, pretty much anything a royal would do. Still not what I wanted though. Until...

"Hey, Sera, I think I found something." Rome pushed the article towards me to read.

June 16th 2005

Prince Michael: Sleeping with a commoner witch?

The Prince has denied sleeping and courting commoner witch Ireland James, but we all know the truth. Prince Michael has been sneaking the commoner into the castle late at night, and sneaking to Lake Eulalie to see her. This has been confirmed by servants of the Prince himself. What else could he be hiding?

Ireland... My mother's name was Ireland? My head started to throb from tension, but I ignored it, intrigued to read more.

January 18th, 2006

Prince Michael: Disappearance from Azure

The prince has mysteriously disappeared in what is believed to be a kidnapping. No clothes were taken, no personal belongings. No further evidence has surfaced.

February 20th, 2006

Prince Michael: Disappearance update

    Some said they believed they had seen the prince wearing a disguise to escape. He was not with anybody at the time. Where could our prince have gone? Why would he want to escape this realm? Could the job of being a Royal have been too much for him?

The last one was on an entire different village... Valkyrie.

April 20th, 2006

    Ireland James: Commoner witch who was courted by Prince Michael

    Commoner witch gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Anastasia Reneé James on April 19th, 2006. Could this be the conceived child of Prince Michael? Could this be why he ran away? Or could she have been courted by him among others? I wouldn't expect less from a commoner witch. She denies that the child is Prince Michael's and denies she had anything to do with him. But we all know the truth, we all know that witches lie.

Tears started to well up in my eyes and drop warm down my cheeks. Was this what my mother had gone through? Destined to be alone, destined to never be with the man she loved because she was a witch and he was an angel?

"Are you okay?" Rome leaned over to me and placed a hand on my back.

I nodded. "Yeah.. I just. I need a minute." I said, wiping the tears off my face. I pushed myself back from the table and walked back down the stairs to sit outside for a minute.

My mind spun with a multitude of different things, causing my head to throb more. Could my father have really known about me? Did my mother lie to me? Or was there another reason he ran from the city? I wiped my face again, trying to get myself to stop crying. I knew this was going to be painful, I just didn't realize how much until it was time. Was I ever going to find him?

Rome walked outside and sat down next to me, handing me a few articles. "Here, I checked these out for you. Thought maybe you'd want to read these later. Plus, it gives us a chance to come back here." He smiled at me and wiped a single tear from my cheek with his thumb. Then, he stood up and held his hand out to me. "You ready to get back?"

I nodded, completely silent. My voice was mute the whole ride home. Rome held my hand though, giving me a small amount of comfort. I could figure this out, I could find my father... I knew I could. It just required a little more... What do you call it? Research? Investigation? Whatever the lost prince was hiding, whoever he was hiding, I would find him. I will tell him I'm his daughter, and no matter what, he WILL accept me.


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