801 15 3

March 6th, 2022

Here Gwen was in the airport, watching as Tanner and Larry walked to their own gates. Gwen was already really emotional with Tanner and Larry leaving. Gwen wiped her face and turned to Blake to see him hugging Nick. Blake looked over at Gwen and gave her a soft, sad smile. Gwen started to tear up as Blake gave her a hug. Gwen tried to stop herself from balling her eyes out and Blake rubbed her back. 

"I'm gonna miss you Winnie" Gwen stuffed her face more into Blake's neck and sobbed. After what felt like seconds to Gwen, Nick spoke up. 

"Gwen, Blake has to go" Gwen let go of Blake and saw a wet spot on his shoulder. She used her sleeve and wiped that spot. 

"Sorry" Gwen said as she wiped her face. Blake chuckled and Gwen looked to see Blake tearing up slightly. 

"You're alright Winnie, I'll see ya guys soon." Nick and Isaac waved Blake bye and Gwen just covered her face. She felt an arm around her and heard a calm voice. 

"It's gonna be alright Gwen, you'll see him again soon" Gwen looked up at Nick and nodded. She looked to where Blake was and saw he was far away now. He was almost out of sight. Gwen took a deep breath and followed Nick and Isaac to the gate. They sat down and waited for the plane to start boarding. Gwen knew she was a tad bit overreacting. That didn't stop her from though from still crying, knowing that Blake wouldn't be as close by anymore. She would still be able to call him and message him but, it's not the same. Nick rubbed her shoulder and looked over at Isaac. Isaac motioned to his phone and Nick picked up his phone to see a message from Isaac. 

does gwen know about the move in?

i don't know how she'll handle it 
did you find a house that will fit everyone??

i have seen a few options 
there is one in austin that should work for everyone


Nick put his phone down and looked over at Gwen. She had calmed down but still looked sad. The intercom went off saying that their flight was now boarding first class. Gwen grabbed her backpack and put it on. Nick and Isaac stood up. Isaac pulled out the tickets and they waited for A-Group to be called. 

"A Group is now boarding" The intercom said. Gwen, Nick, Isaac walked up and started to board. They all sat down and Gwen looked out the window. She sighed and thought about the trip. It was such a fun trip. Gwen really wished that they all lived close to her. They could just come over late one night and talk. That would be hella fun, Gwen thought. The seatbelt light came on and the pilot started speaking. Gwen buckled up and the plane took off, back to her home. 


Gwen and Nick stood at the baggage claim, waiting for Nick's bag to pop out. Gwen opened her phone to see a couple messages from Tanner. 

hope your plane didn't crash 
larry and yumi want to help set up your twitch tn if you are down for that

thinking of changing my username too
tell them to lmk if they got any ideas


"Gwen, let's go" Nick said with his suitcase now in his hand. They walked outside and got on a bus to take them to the parking lot where Nick's car was at. They were dropped off and got in the car. Nick started driving and he spoke up. 

"So," He started. Gwen looked up and at Nick. 

"Yeah?" Gwen said. 

"What's going on with you and Blake?" Gwen started blushing and stayed silent. "Do you like him?" 

"Yeah I do" Nick nodded and sighed. 

"Does he like you?" Nick asked. 

"I don't know" Gwen sighed. "I mean he is touchy with me and treats me sort of like we are dating but I don't know." 

"Gwen, go with your gut on this. I'm not too sure how he feels about you but do what you feel is best." Gwen nodded and the car ride home was silent.  


Gwen sat at her computer, in a call with Tanner, Larry, and Blake. Blake was explaining to Gwen how twitch works. Larry and Tanner were just there. 

"So, you don't really need channel point rewards as they are kinda pointless." Blake said as Gwen nodded. "That's everything I think"

"Thank god" Gwen said. Tanner laughed and Blake looked offended. "Nothing against you Blake but I just hate having to learn new stuff"

"Makes sense" Blake said. "What username are you gonna have?"

"I don't know. I want my name in the username that's for sure" Gwen spoke. Blake nodded and started typing.

"What about gwenscastle?" Tanner said. Gwen cringed and shook her head. Blake then spoke up.

"That sounds like the username of some preteen girls edit account" Gwen and Larry busted out laughing. "What about gwenzrite?"

"That's good enough for now" Gwen said as she changed all her accounts to gwenzrite. "If I can think of something better, I'll change it" 

"Now, you just need to get the screens, banner, and panels" Larry piped in. "Isaac knows a few people and so does Blake." 

"Ok, thank you guys so much for the help with this" Gwen said. 

"Anytime" Blake said with a smile on his face. Tanner and Larry nodded. "I'll talk to you all tomorrow" Blake left the call and then Tanner left suddenly. 

"You wanna play some Roblox?" Larry asked. Gwen chuckled. 

"Of course" Gwen opened up Roblox and Larry and her played for hours. 

an short one yes, but at least it's a chapter.  Shoutout @blissecuyas for the gwen's new username. anyways, hope you have a great day/night and be yourself :) 

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