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RedGem8 better? Story takes place 3 months before PROM the dresses came in early sorry. Star and raven live together in a small apartment and the guys in a mediam size apartment. And they all know eachother. Also there training to be heros.
Raven pov
God why?! I ran to my room.
I jumped on my bed. Beastboy hes with another girl.
" raven?!"
"What do you want star ?"
"Well, I was wandering if you would like to go to the beach with our freinds? Star asked
"No." i said
Starfires pov
"No"raven said
"But friend raven pleassse?" "no" "pleeeassseee" "NO" "ppppleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee?"
"Fine Ill go now leave me alone!"she said .yesss.

Beastboy pov
"Hey terra wanna go to the beach with us?" "sure when do we go?"
"Tommorw and i was wondering do you wanna go two the park in the morning before we go to the beach?" "sure"

If any feedback please comment

Sorry if its short also check out this video i made also short.

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