How Do You Understand..?

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{ Enid's Pov }

I jumped up from my chair and zoomed over to my girlfriend's bed with my all needed things to do her nails, I held out my hand for her to place it in mine, which she did. After getting comfortable I began doing her nails, " See? It's gonna look soooo good on you babe. " I told her as I continued painting in the black polish onto her nails, " Whatever you say Enid.. " she mumbled, " Could I play some music? " she asks me, I look up and nod, " Sure! But I'm choosing a playlist on Spotify, your music creeps me out. " I told her as I set the polish aside and began scrolling for a song.

" My music is not creepy! It is proper and synthetic music, each note having its own melody. " she explained with a plain expression, " Okay then. " I laughed as I rolled my eyes. I found a slow love song playlist and began playing it, setting my phone aside and continued painting the Addams's nails. I then sighed as my the music began playing, a song I haven't heard it before began playing but I noticed Wednesday was into it, and so was I.

It was Understand by KESHI, I only heard just a few of their songs but they never really caught my eye like this one did. I looked into her deep brown eyes to notice she was slowly falling in love with the song, I finished up her nails and kissed her hand with a smile, " Thank you. " she says with pink cheeks, I chuckle and nodded before standing up, that's when she stopped me and stood up as well, " I want to re-do that dance with you Enid. " she tells me, " I thought it was just to show off? " I asked, the mood felt so perfect to dance.

" Just dance with me wolf. " she says with a slight smile, holding out her hand which I quickly took as she brought me close by my waist. The song played perfectly as we swayed and danced, looking into each others eyes, we probably looked gay as fuck, " So this is what love is supposed to feel like..? " The shorter girl asks me, I nod and lean in, " Feels nice, right? " I ask in return just for her to give me a peck and agree.

I then picked up Wednesday and spun her in circles as I laughed happily, she held on and tried not to laugh, only to fail and burst into laughter. I swear I'm so deeply in love with her..💕 I then stopped and gave her a kiss, " You're only mine Enid Sinclair.. " she says into the kiss, " And I'm only yours Wednesday Addams.. " I tell her back before pulling away and holding her close as the song ended..

[ Wednesday's pov ]

I didn't think no one could break my shell, but of course Enid Sinclair did. We danced some more before we heard someone knocking on our dorm door, I went over and opened the door, " Ladies! It is past 11! I understand that school doesn't start for another week but please have some respect for some who are trying to get some rest. " she insisted, I stood up straight, " Yes, we deeply apologize and we'll head to sleep now. " I told her before shutting the door. I looked back at Enid who was holding in a laugh, " Don't you dare Sinclair.. " I told her as I tried hiding a smile that was creeping onto my lips.

We began getting ready for bed, but that's when Enid was looking on her phone to see Ajax's Instagram to see a post he made saying he was very sick and would hopefully be back by the time school began. I nodded, " All we need to do is look around their room. " Enid tells me, " But you must be careful Enid, the cyanide could affect you. " I warn her, " I know, but we'll be careful because I'm going with you. Plus you didn't hold up your end of your promise, he could've died Wedns.. " she tells me as she laid down in bed, " But he didn't, which means I still held my promise. " I corrected her, " Wednesday it's not that, it's that he could've died.. " she tells me.

I look at her and rolled my eyes, " Enid, after everything he's done- " I began but I was cutoff, " He's done nothing wrong to you, so why do you care so much? " she asks, " Because I care about you Enid. " I tell her as I placed my hand on her cheek, " I want you to be happy.. " I explained, she then smiled a bit, " Fine..just don't go to jail. " she pleads, " I would be out of a cell in less than a minute mio angelo.. " I told her with a kiss on her forehead, " Now let's go to bed. " I tell her as I rested back and shut my eyes, she nodded and snuggles close.

Little did Enid know, Thing had already been in Ajax's room and found information. He had found one thing and that was all he was that Ajax was talking to Enid's mother about me and her, saying how we've been too close and that she will deal with it soon. Whatever it is, I'll always be here for mi matter what it takes..

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