Taking Down The Alpha..

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{ Enid's pov }

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly into my ear, I thought I put it on silent so I was confused. I reach out to see who was calling me only to be stopped by Wednesday grabbing my arm and placing it back on in her black hair

" Why must your cellular device ruin this astonishing rest..? " She asks me in a sleepy voice, I chuckle at her comment as I looked down at her once the ringing stopped, " Because it's literally 11 AM Willa.. " I responded as I reached for my phone again and checked who called in the first place

" Mom..? " I questioned myself, " Why is she calling me? " I ask myself again as I sat up, making Wednesday grumble as she moved her head down to my lap and wrapping her arms around my waist, " Cara mia..must I remind you that today is when parents come over and bring any things we may have forgotten or left behind before coming to Nevermore.. " My gothic lover explained...well not really lover because I didn't really ask her out yet..

I just nodded slowly before jumping a bit to the sound of my phone ringing again, it was my mom so I just picked up my phone and answered but before I could even say a word my mom butted in, " Jesus Enid, the least you could do is pick up the damn phone. " She snapped, making me look away from Wednesday's gaze

" Sorry mom, I just woke up. " I explained to her before rubbing my eyes with my spare hand and placing back on Wednesday's hair, lightly scratching her head as she seemed to relax, " Sure you were.. " I heard her say as I heard scuffling in the background, " I am dropping off the rest of your clothing today. " she tells me, I was confused because I know I brought all my clothes, " But I- " and before I could finish my sentence she hung up

I just groaned and set my phone aside, " Everything okay Sinclair? " the goth asks me, " Yes..just mom stuff. " I told her with a long sigh afterwards, " Well thankfully my parents will not be showing up, for I have brought all of my things. " She boast as she sits up and stretches, allowing me to look at her toned abs and scars on her stomach. I blushed just a bit before getting out of bed and grabbing my toothbrush, phone and towel, " Well I'm going to figure something out before they get here.. " I told her before walking off with my things and shutting the door before she could respond.

I looked around before turning on the shower and going onto instagram, " I know Ajax has something to do with this.. " I growled to myself as I looked up his account and began texting him..

Enids_DramaFeed : I know you had something to do with my mom coming to Nevermore Ajax

ThatStoner : I figured you'd realize quickly E

Enids_DramaFeed : I told you to stop calling me that
Anyways why is she coming

ThatStoner : She is going because I told her about you and that psycho!


ThatStoner : Which is the reason why I did it 🧍‍♂️

Enids_DramaFeed : You're such a asshole

ThatStoner : Idc E buttttt if you want we could make a deal and I'll have this situation go away in a heartbeat

Enids_DramaFeed : What is it?

ThatStoner : If you date me again, I'll tell her it was a false alarm and that we just had a bad argument

Enids_DramaFeed : Fuck you no

ThatStoner : Fine ig you'll have no one loving you forever then, no friends, family, or even that goth bitch of yours

Enids_DramaFeed : Ok ok fine.. I'll do it, but you better fucking leave Wedns out of this

ThatStoner : a deal is a deal E

Enids_DramaFeed : I hate you

ThatStoner : Don't say that to your boyfriend, Also you'll treat Wednesday just as a friend, understood?

Enids_DramaFeed : Yes..

ThatStoner : Good, so come to the hospital before your mom shows up to the school, she's supposed to meet with me first

I was crying so hard as I gripped my phone, causing a crack to go across the screen, I then became silent when a knock is heard from the door, " Enid? Are you alright? " Wednesday asks me..fuck this is gonna be even worse..


[ Wednesday's pov ]

I stood at the door waiting for the werewolf to answer back, after about a good 6 minutes she comes out the shower with a light pink skirt, a white sweatshirt, and light pink converses on, " Where are you going? " I ask as I noticed she was in a bit of hurry but she was ignoring me, " Enid?? " I asked once more as she grabbed a pink and white ghost face hand bag before going to the door, I reach for her wrist and gripped it as she had her hand placed on the knob, " Mio angelo..what's wrong? " I asked with a more softer tone then usual

" Leave me alone Wednesday.. " she mumbled before gripping the door knob, " But what is wrong Enid? Your eyes are puffy, your skin is more colder than usual, and you can't even look me in my eyes.. " I told her as I loosened my grip a bit. She then turned to me, her bright blue eyes masking hatred for someone..was it me she hated..? " We should just be friends ..the deal is off and I'm dating Ajax again..I won't tell him you basically poisoned him.. " she says as she chokes back a cry, I remain silent as my dark brown eyes soon were masked with a dark plague of anger and pain, " ..But last night..you said- " I began before being cut off

" Last night was a mistake Addams, okay? " she tells me, like a knife stabbing through my heart, " Let's just go back to the way things used to be. " she snaps before pulling away her hand and leaving the room with a slam from the door as she exits..

I stood in the same spot as my hand stood in mid-air, I didn't even move when Thing crawled on over and crawled up to my shoulder, " Are you okay? " he signs as he rests there, I let my arm drop to my side as I lifted my other arm for thing to look me in my face, he notices a tear dropping from my teary eyes, he reaches out with his thumb and wipes it away, I felt so assured in the moment but I couldn't believe what happened, " Watch over her..this plan of Ajax and Esther just went too far.. " I explained to Thing as he crawled down and lowerred himself as a nod and scurried off quickly to catch up to her..


There you goooooooooo, Im gonna write the next chapter asap for y'all 🫶🏼



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