Self Distruck

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Easy to do nearly impossible to fix
the urges that flow through me like my own blood
do this. do that
they tell me
I fight and I fight until I'm too weak to stand
the battle is over and I have lost
lost a piece of myself
a war that is all ours to fight
everyone has one
that little voice in their head
not the crazy kinda but the kind tempting you to do bad things
things you know can destroy you
Do it. DO IT. DO. IT
the voice that laughs at your downfall and is silent during your victories
you know the one don't you?
some of us act like we have control and maybe some of us do
but me
I don't
this devil on my shoulder controls me because I let it
I've been fighting demons for years
what's one more right?
I let it win because I had other fights to battle
what I didn't realize is this voice was causing all my problems
all of them can be traced back to the little guy on my shoulder
and that's all he is
The. Little. Guy
he cant control me anymore
his poison can try and taint my veins
my heart will stay strong and pump more blood to cleanse myself
rid myself of him and his disturbing hold on me
I'm not letting him win this time.

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