~ Chapter 5 ~

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i hope yall like this new chapter! also im going back to school this week so i hope ill still be able to keep this going! bad grammar as always lol.


Song for best describing this chapter: Cry by Cigarettes After Sex.


Time Skip to the next day :

"Regulus Arcturus black." came a sharp tone as soon as i 'quietly' shut the door behind me, hearing my full name made my body flinch and my mine go : shit. i slowly turned on my heel to see the speaker. it was Barty. full mum mode Barty. double shit.

"Where the Bloody Fuck have you been all night?" he growled menacingly, a scowl staining his facial features. triple shit. he had his hands on his hips as he glared daggers at me, waiting for an answer. my throat went dry, i hadnt told him about being an animagus and how was i otherwise supposed to tell him that i had spent the night cuddled up to my crush as a cat. HOW?! in conclusion:  IM FREAKING OUT!

"i was at the astronomy tower." I ended up blurting out.

"who. with." he asked, no change in his cold voice. i felt my heart skip a beat. quadruple shit.

"some r-random Hufflepuff?" i made up, trying not to falter, yet failing misterably., as it sounded more as a question than a reply.

" i didnt ask you to lie." his voice was steady but intimidating, what happend to the little Barthomenule that had puppy eyes and would plead me to ask Evans something so he can make little Anonymus love notes for him? but he could see right through me. he knew. quintuple shit.

"Well if you dont beleive me, then dont. thats all im telling you." i replied, this time concerntrating on each syllable to make sure i sounded confident and i shoved past him into the room to get my school bag and divination homework from 2 nights ago. as i wandered over there a jinx hit my back and i fell forward, face-first onto the hardwood floor. MULTIPLE SHITS.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU PRAT." i yelled, turning my head, still on the floor. he was holding his wand threateningly at me with a angry look on his face. i pulled out my own wand  and directed it at him.

"why dont you tell me anything anymore. we're supposed to be there for eachother. and now your going out of your way to not be around me?" he muttered quietly, the anger draning from his face instantly, being replaced with a look of depression. he lowerd his wand to his side and a tear escaped his green eyes. what?

"Barty i..." i couldnt find the words. my heart broke at the sight and i realised how much not telling him one thing made such a difference. he was right:  we were in this together. i just pocketed my wand and stood up. he looked into my eyes with a look of such hurt that made my lungs emlpode with lack of air. i walked up to him slowly and my eyes stared to burn at how i realied how stupid i'd been. i wrapped him in an embrace. he hiccuped and more tears rolled down his cheeks. 

"im sorry" he whispered. 

"you cant be sorry, you did nothing, you have every right to know, and IM sorry for being a douchbag. plus, crying is good. when you cry it lets you let go of your problems and helps the pain and fear and sadness fall along with the tears." i held him tightly and he returned the gesture and i heard his wand clatter to the floor.  i took a deep breath, the room seemed to become deathly silent apart from my shaky breathing.  i pulled apart from him and sat down on his bed, to which he followed suit. and i began my story.

"in the winter break two years ago i was cleaning out Sirius' room- " i flinched at the depressing memory of  Sirius leaving after being hit with the Cruciatus Curse so frequently that he was bleeding from severe and deep cuts and he could barely stumble, and him blaming me for everything before escaping out that night, heading for the Potters, "- after h-he left. to remember the memorys of him before my parents destroyed everything that he owned or had held a connection too. and i was looking through the small selection of books he had possesed ; and i started reading them in memory of him, and i came across a book on Animagi and how to become one, so i kept reading and started practicing on the nights where loneliness was my only emotion. and by last summer when i returned to Hogwarts i had mastered the magic and proccedure on how to transform, into my animagus; a cat." at this point Bart was not fully facing me as i re-told what had happend and he chose now to inturupt.

"a cat?" he questioned, disbeleif clear in his voice.

"yes barty: a cat. anyways, you know how i told you of how i had a teeeeeny tiiiiny smaaaaaal crush on James Potte-" but before i could finish my scentence i heard barty snort so i turned to him quickly.

"Teeny tiny small?" he mocked,"yeah right." i glared at him and continued.

"well, ive been visiting James in his house dorms and up at the astronomy tower as a cat so he wouldnt know it was me." i said, very quickly.

"you. what." he asked, looking at me incredusly.

" i know, i know, im sorry its against the school rules and agaisnt the law and-" once again i didnt get to finish my scentence becuase, guess who? BLOODY BARTY HAD SOMETHING TO SAY, DIDNT YA BARTY, okay sorry ill relax.

"your acting as if i care about school rules and the law, im only annoyed that you didnt tell me sooner!" i sighed letting out a breath i forgot i was holding.

"dont we have class?" Barty asked. and i blinked at him for two reasons: 

number 1: it was a sunday so we had no class.

number 2: i was surprised he didnt care much about everything that i just told him and he wasnt freaking out or anything.

i opted to reply with option two.

"the fuck do you mean, ' DoNt wE HaVe ClAsS?'," he blinked at me, confused and i rolled my eyes." were you not listening? You were literary crying a second ago."

"Reg, listen to me very clearly okay. i dont care about your sexuality, you animagus, your secrets, your home life, your weight, your likes and dislikes, your icks and your loves. all i care about is that your you, and if that means crushing on The James Potter or being a cat at the dead of night, i dont care. i only care about you and if that means everything that comes with you then whats not to like, i dont mind about any of that. okay?" Barty held my hands as he said this, and looked into my eyes before pulling me into another hug.

"i- i..." i was lost for words, that was one of the most serious, and perfect Barty if not anyone had ever said to me. i was thunderstruck. he pulled away and wiped a tear that i didnt know i had cried. "thank you." i muttered.

"now lets get this show on the road." he got up, walked over to his wand, picked it up before flicking it in a short motion towards our brooms which made them fly towards him as he caught them effortlessly, he then aimed another swish of his wand, this time at a record player which landed softly beside me on the bed. he handed me my broom and i stood with a small smile playing at my lips. he cast a spell to shrink the record player and stowed it into his robes pocket.

"quittich?" i asked heading towards the dorm door as he folowed.

"obviously." he relpied shortly before racing ahed of me with a laugh and i chased after him laughing also.

cant get much better than barty.


im going to try and update more frequently but ive been rlly busy being back at school and ALL THIS DAMN HEAT, i hate summer ngl but yeah i make no promises! 

song of the day: Sex, Drugs, Etc by Beach Weather


- Eros <3

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