Panic leads to...⁴

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I went back to my room,
Deciding to just relax for the rest of the day. Surprisingly, Qin never showed up at my door. Heck, nobody did.

Who knew I met Buddha.
In fact, I knew him rather well,
Or I did at one point.

Love. It's something that haunts me so much.
At the beginning of my
Live, Die, Repeat curse I was confused. Scared even.
I allowed people close to me, and sometimes, I was happy.
So very happy...
That was until I died.
Or they would die.
When I died, I would always search for them in my next life.
Just like I did for Buddha.
They would call me insane.
Curse me, saying I'm a witch.
A monster even. Because of mocking someone they loved. They never believed me.

When they would die before I would... I would be so lost.

Lives like my most recent ones, I started avoiding connecting with people. That didn't always work as I'd find people such as that child I took in. I had never had a child of my own in any of my lives.

But that child I grew to love. The people I grew to love in the lives where I tried to avoid it, began to get sick. A sickness no health worker could figure out.

I knew it had to be the God that cursed me. I just knew...

I was forced out of my thoughts by a knock at my door.
With a sigh, I walked over and slightly opened it.

"Y/n, I came to check in on you." It was Kojiro.
Why does everyone know where my room is?

"Hey, uhh. Yeah. Come in."
I opened the door for him and then shut it after.

"How are you feeling?"
He always has such a soft smile.

"W-well, to be honest with you.
I'm not sure." I let out a sad laugh.

"I heard about what happened this morning between Qin and Raiden, but I don't think that's what's got you down."
I shook my head.

"No. I'm just haunted by my past." His kind smile only grew.

"The experience of one's past only paves the way for a better future. I don't know what you have gone through, but I know you are very strong." I gave him a small smile, then sat down on my bed.

"I've gone through horrible things, Kojiro. I don't know what my future could be.
If I die in ragnarok, I'm gone.
After living so many lives and dying so many times, you'd think it would make me feel at ease." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Your curse might not be as horrible as you might believe."
I was a bit bothered by his words.

"I-i have seen so much loss.
I've felt so much pain. How can this curse not be as bad as I believe it to be?" He brought his hand to his chin, seemingly in thought.

"I guess that is something you must figure out on your own."
That helps a lot.

"I'll leave you to rest.
I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n."
He left my room rather quickly.
Leaving me to my thoughts.

I layed down on my bed.
I'm going to have to force myself to sleep at this rate.

After what felt like hours of tossing and turning,
I finally drifted off.



"Buddha! Look what I found!"
I ran up to the tall man holding a sweet treat. That I might or might not have stolen...

"What's that?" He seemed excited as he took it from my hand.

He was about to throw the whole thing in his mouth but stopped when he saw my pouty eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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