First day

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Y/n Pov
I was sitting in my room, playing Super Mario Bros when Kurogiri appeared in my room through his portal like mist.
Me:Hello Kurogiri, what's up?
Kurogiri:You have received a letter from UA young master.
He places an envelope on my bed and returns to his bartending duties. I excitedly grab the letter and rush out of my room. I see my dad and grandpa sitting by the bar counter with Kurogiri, discussing something I couldn't hear.
Me:Dad, Grandpa! My letter from UA is here!
They seem to share my excitement as Grandpa asked for Kurogiri to leave the room.

All For one Pov
Y/n placed his letter on the counter of the bat before tearing it open to reveal a small disk. The disk then lit up and before us was a life size projection of the man I wanted to kill with a passion, All Might.
All Might:I am here as a projection. You must be wondering why I am giving you a message from UA. That is because starting your first year I will be a teacher.
This caused my non existent eyes to widen with shock. Not only would my operative spy be in UA but now my nemesis will be there. Y/n could tell us all about the symbol of peace and allow us to plan ways of killing. We saw a hand from off the screen motion for All Might to hurry up.
All Might:Alright now for your scores. For the written test you scored 80% of the questions correctly. As for the practical, it goes without saying that after your display you passed with an incredible 200 points by destroying every single robot. You even shattered my record of 132 from back in the day. This means that not only did you score the top mark in the practical but you have now been enrolled into UA into Class 1a.Welcome to your hero academia young Shimura.
I could see Y/n was bouncing in place with joy as Kurogiri appeared back in the room.
Kurogiri:I apologize for my intrusion but Y/n has received another parcel from UA.
He hands Y/n a parcel that was revealed to contain that damn UA uniform. Tomura and I acted happy for him as he rushed to his room to pack.
Me:Kurogiri, have you heard from our spy?
Kurogiri:Yes, they have said that they got into Class 1a of the hero course.
Me:Good, he and Y/n are in the same class. Then it will be easier for us to have them monitor Y/n. Maybe even crush his heroic spirit.

No one Pov
In his room Y/n was packing his bag for UA when Izumi called him.
Izumi:Hi Y/n!
Y/n:Hi Izumi, did you get your letter?
Izumi:Yeah, I got into class 1a. What about you?
Y/n:Same here, I can't wait.
Izumi:Me neither.

Y/n Pov
It was now time for me to enter UA and start my journey to become a hero. I was dressed in my uniform and immediately rushed out of the house, saying a quick goodbye to my family. I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Izumi was calling me. I answered the phone and Izumi immediately started talking in an exasperated voice.
Izumi:Y/n are you at UA yet?
Me:Not yet, I just got off the train. Actually I think I see you hold on.
I run towards a green haired figure and it was indeed Izumi but when I saw her I blushed. She wore the female version of the male uniform which was a grey blazer that laid on top of a white shirt, a red tie around her neck, her signature red shoes and an emerald green skirt. When I looked at her it seemed almost as if the uniform she wore was made specifically to perfectly fit her.

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The Hero he needed(Male Reader X Fem Deku) Where stories live. Discover now