Chapter 9: Spencer Gets Busted

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[The scene changes to Gordon racing Spencer]

Gordon races towards Maithwaite ahead of Spencer. Spencer was out of puff. Percy's mail trucks rattled and prattled behind him.

Gordon: I win! I told you I would.

Before Spencer could ease his axles, the door of the Express swung open. The Duke and Duchess of Boxford stepped out. They were cross. Spencer's face turned from annoyance to shock.

Spencer: Fumbling Fenders.

Duke: Spencer, you have let us down. We've left you in charge of our summerhouse and it's not ready for our holiday. Our friend, Sir Topham Hatt says you've spent all day watching Violet!

Sir Topham Hatt: And taking mail cars that aren't yours. You told me you were taking them to Percy and you haven't.

Spencer's pride was in pieces.

Spencer: They have a very old engine. Uh, heap of scrap in fact. I was chasing it because i-i-in fact, Sir Topham, you should.

Duke: Please Spencer, stop. Chasing engines that are a heap of scrap? We'll have to send you back to the mainland. It's quite clear, you're not fit to work.

(Violet puffs over)

Violet: Please, may I help? I could work with Spencer at the summer house. I'm sure together we could have it ready in time.

The Duke and Duchess were delighted.

Duke: Thank you, Violet. That is most kind of you. And can you please keep an eye on Spencer. He's not feeling well.

Spencer wheeshed with steam. It was all too terrible

Violet: Of course. I will make sure to do just that. (looks over to Spencer) Looks like you were right about one thing, Spencer. I AM capable of helping you with the summer house.

Spencer got a little suspicious by Violet's tone, knowing that she is up to something.

[The scene changes to dusk as Violet went to see Hiro in the siding]

It was getting late as Violet chuffed to see Hiro. But Hiro was sad.

Hiro: You did everything you could, Violet. But I know now, I will be sent to the Smelters Yard.

Violet: No! No you won't! I won't let that happen to you. I Promise. Don't give up. Please have some hope.Try to have a good sleep.

And Violet steamed sadly away to Tidmouth.

[The scene changes to Tidmouth Sheds at night]

All the engine's were worried for Hiro and cross with Spencer.

Percy: I'm sorry I left my mail cars so close to Hiro. I didn't know he was there. It looked like a good hiding spot.

Thomas: Don't worry, Percy. It was an accident. And we all did our best.

Henry: What should we do now?

Violet: I'm going to tell Sir Topham Hatt.

Emily: Why?

Violet: We tried to fix Hiro by ourselves. It didn't work out. We need his help. First of all, I'll finish the summer house with Spencer. Then Sir Topham Hatt will know that I'm a really useful engine. And he will want to help me.

Percy: Are you certain this is going to work, Violet?

Violet: I'm sure, Percy.

Edward: It's for Hiro's good.

Gordon: But, Violet. You know Spencer is going to keep trying to...

Violet: (Cuts him off) I know, Gordon! I know. But what other choice do we have? We have to do this for our friend. Even if it means (Sighs deeply in annoyance) Working with Spencer on the summer house.

The other engines were quiet. They knew Violet was right but they were worried for Hiro. he was their friend. They wanted to look after him.

Violet: While I'm busy, will all of you go and visit Hiro?

Edward: Of course we will, Violet.

[The engines blow their whistles]

All the engines whistled. They were a team for Hiro.

[The scene changes to the next day]

For the next few days, Violet and Spencer work on the summer house busily. Violet made sure Spencer didn't leave her sight.

Violet's friends all look after Hiro. He was never alone for long. He laughed and told stories about his homeland to Emily, Gordon, Thomas and Percy. He'd listen to Edward's wise words and he cared that Henry had to have special coal. He'd admire James' shiny red coat and thought Toby was very special. The only steam tram he had ever met.

[The scene changes back to the summerhouse]

The Duke and Duchess came to visit the summerhouse. It was almost complete. They were very pleased. Spencer beamed. He told them all about it while Violet puffed quietly away to see Hiro. Hiro was very happy to see Violet.

Hiro: Hello Violet, My best friend.

Violet: Hello, Hiro.

Violet could see that Hiro was sad.

Violet: Hiro, I won't let you get scrapped. Believe me. Tonight, I will fix everything.

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