Chapter 10: The Final Run

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Violet chuffed back to the summerhouse, just in time to say goodbye to The Duke and Duchess.

Duke: Thank you, Violet. Without You, Spencer would never have finished in time.

Spencer: Humph.

Violet: It's no problem. Anyways, I have to go to Knapford now.

Spencer: Why?

Violet: To see Sir Topham Hatt, and That is none of your business, Spencer.

Spencer snarled as Violet started to puff off.

Spencer: You're going to tell The Fat Controller about that silly scrap engine. I'll get there first to make sure your plan doesn't work. That engine will be sent to the Smelters' Yard where he belongs!

So Spencer pumped his pistons and clickety-clacked after Violet. Violet heard Spencer's wheels whooshing and whirring behind her. Violet and Spencer had the race of their lives. Violet steamed over bridges and wheeshed through tunnels. She slipped through junctions and raced round bends. Spencer thundered and roared, but he couldn't get in front of Violet!

At a junction, Violet puffed ahead. Then she turned quickly onto a side track. Spencer thundered on then screeched to a stop. Spencer reveres back to the junction. He raced after Violet along the narrow track. The rickety old track went over marshland. Violet knew that it was the fastest way to Knapford. Violet huffed and Spencer puffed. Spencer was getting closer and closer. Then there was trouble. The track was broken and Spencer was too heavy. With a creak and a crack, the track snapped beneath him. The mighty Spencer slid into the muddy marsh. Violet screeched to a stop. She knew what had happened but she knew can do nothing.

Violet: I'm Sorry, Spencer. I didn't know that the track was broken. I'll go and get help. I'll be back.

And Violet steamed on.

[The scene changes to Knapford station at dusk as Violet arrives]

Violet arrives at Knapford. She was tired and dirty. Sir Topham Hatt was having dinner with The Duke and Duchess. The stationmaster telephoned him and asks Sir Topham Hatt to come to Knapford right away.

[They arrive minutes later]

Violet's traction rods were trembling. Her wheels wobbled. She knew now she had to tell Sir Topham Hatt everything about Hiro. Sir Topham Hatt listened.

Violet: Hiro is an old and important engine. My friends and I didn't want him scrapped. That's why we tried to fix him ourselves.

Sir Topham Hatt stared at Violet. Violet was worried. She was now sure Sir Topham Hatt would scrap Hiro.

Sir Topham Hatt: Did you say, Hiro?

Violet: Yes, I did, Sir?

Sir Topham Hatt: You mean "The Master Of The Railway?"

Violet: Yes, Sir.

Duchess: Oh. He's terribly famous.

Sir Topham Hatt: Famous? He's the Master of the Railway. Why did you think I would scrap the Master of the Railway, Violet? Why didn't you ask me?

Violet: Because I was very silly, worried and anxious to ask for your help, and even if I did, you might refuse to help me and send Hiro to the Smelters' Yard instead. So we tried to fix him alone.

Sir Topham Hatt: You're not alone anymore. We must help Hiro at once. Send him to the Sodor Steamworks. Victor will have his funnel bright and pistons pumping in no time.

Violet: You mean, you're gonna have him fixed, not scrapped?

Sir Topham Hatt: Of course, Violet. He won't be a scrap engine anymore. I understand that he's your friend, Violet. He'll become the Master of the Railway once again.

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