Rock Paper Scissors

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⚠️Tw: Slight gore⚠️

     You moved into your new apartment. You still had to pack up your stuff from your old place, you just came it to check the interior. You got your idea of what you're going to do then you left. When you walked out, you ran into your neighbor. She just left her apartment too.

     "I didn't know someone else moved here. No one comes here anymore." She said as she locked her door, "Who are you?"
     She was really beautiful, she looked like someone who'd be on the cover of a magazine. You decided to introduce yourself, "My name is Y/n. I just moved here."
     "That's a lovely name!" She smiled, "I'm Goth, your neighbor. Hopefully your friend too."
     "Thanks, that sounds nice," you said.
"What do you think of this place so far?"
"It's pretty okay."
"It's got the potential to be better. There's one cool thing about it though. I'll show you," she said as she steps closer to you.

There was some sort of static that was messing with you head. It got more and more intense. It hurts. The headache from the static became too much. Your vision was hazy and you passed out.
You woke up tied to a chair in an abandoned looking room. It was dark and your head still hurt. You desperately looked around for someone before screaming for help. You heard footsteps and someone came in. It was Goth.
    "You're awake!" She exclaimed, "Welcome to your new home. Trust me, it's so much fun. I always have fun here."
     "What kind of fun are you talking about?" This wasn't exactly your idea of fun.
     "Im glad you asked. I'll play fun games with you. We can be enemies, friends, or more. Your choice."
     "You're going to kill me. Please let me go. I'll do anything."
     "If you'll do anything, then I want you to stay."
     "That will kill me. Just let me go."
     "You're not going to die. Look at yourself, you look pathetic. You're not dead, I can show you what dead looks like." Goth walked up closer to you and showed you a picture on a screen. There was a girl laying on the floor in a pool of blood with a knife in her stomach. You were nauseous from a mix of the picture and the static that came back. "See~ That's what a dead person looks like. You don't look like that."
     "But I can end up exactly like her."
     "Yes, you can. I don't want you to end up like that though." Goth turned off the screen and stepped back, "We should play a game now. Aren't you excited to do something?"
     The sudden change of subject got you confused. You have to get on her good side, "What game?"
     "We can play Rock Paper Scissors," she replied, "I always start with an easy game first. It's like Rock Paper Scissors, but it's also not how you think. I'll leave it as a fun surprise, so you choose first."
     "Rock?" It seemed like the best option out of all. Scissors sounded too risky, and paper could be bad if you're fighting. That's the answer you're going with, rock.
     Goth looked pretty disappointed, "This one's pretty boring to me, but still fun!"

     You watch Goth go over to a table and grab a rock. She comes back over to you. You already had a feeling about what was going to happen and you struggled against the ropes. Goth takes the rock and smacks you against the head with it. Your eyes fluttered shut again. You were knocked out.

     "Don't tell me you're already done," Goth whined, "I couldn't even get my turn. Maybe next time."

     You have to think of a way to get out. How?

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