Cup Roulette

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⚠️Warning: Slight gore and suggestive themes⚠️

You woke up, still tied to the chair. Your head was throbbing and it stung from where she hit you with the rock. You tried repositioning yourself, but winced in pain from the injuries. The previous game of Rock Paper Scissors really took a toll on you. Now you have to find a way to untie yourself from the chair and get the hell out before Goth makes you play another twisted game with her.

     Goth enters the room apologizing, "Sorry about that. You must be hungry. Do you want something to eat?"
     "Yes, please! I'm starving."
     "I'll bring you a bowl!"

     Goth left the room and came back with a bowl. The contents inside of it was some sort of stew. She scooped a spoonful of the stew and brought it to your lips. You were so hungry and you ate it. It was delicious, nothing seemed wrong with it. You ate the rest of the stew.

     "I felt bad about not getting my turn last night, so I chose rock and had my friend help me. She used to play baseball, so I had her throw the rock at me. I hope that's okay. I'll show you."

     Goth unbuttons her shirt and turns around. She let the shirt fall down her arms. The was a large, dark purple bruise on her back. It had a cut where it most likely busted open her skin. Goth put her shirt back on and buttoned it back up.

     Goth turned around, "It hurt, but that's the fun part. You can't have fun without having a bit of a risk. We should play another game!"
     "What game this time?" You questioned.
     "We should play cup roulette. It's a pretty thrilling game. Easy to learn too."
     "Is this where I think it's going?"
     "Yep! I'll set it up. It's just 4 cups and a knife. You can go first too! It gives you a higher chance of winning."
     "Luck me," you replied sarcastically.

Goth gave you a wink before she left the room. She brought back a tray with 4 cups upside down on it. You assumed she put the knife under one of them. She set the tray down in front of you and went over to untie one of your hands.

"Pick your cup and slam your hand down on it," Goth instructed.
"Are you serious? I can't do that."
"25% chance. Do you want me to pick for you?"
"No no no! I'll do it."

You looked over every single cup, there was no telling which one had the knife. You picked the first cup on the left. You brought a shaky hand above it, before slamming it down over the top. You heard the crunch of the cup, but no pain. There was nothing under it.

"My turn! I don't know which one it's in, in case if you were worried." Goth stared directly into your eyes, as she slams her hand down over the cup in the middle, "Now you got a 50% chance of winning. No pressure! Good luck!"
     "There's no knife in there. You didn't put one in. There's no way anyone would do that without any hesitation."
     "Believe what you want~ Now choose."

     You looked at the two cups. One was empty, one wasn't. Maybe they were both empty and this girl was messing with you. Left or right? Go with the left one, no, the right one. Left. You're going to do the left one.
You looked up at the girl, Goth was grinning from ear to ear. She glanced down at the cup you placed your hand over. Should you change to the one on the right? No, she could be tricking you. You slam your hand down on the cup. It was empty.

"Well... it looks like I lost." Goth said, she then smiled, her eyes lit up almost like there were hearts, "It's the fun part, so don't miss it!"
"What are you talking ab—"

Goth placed her hand over the cup and brought it up. She then smashed her hand down onto the cup. You watched as the knife went straight through her hand. She hissed in pain, as she lifted her hand and pulled the knife out.

Goth giggles a bit, "Haha. Good game. I have to go fix this up now."
"Girl, what the fuck!"
"What?" She looked at you confused.
"That's your reaction? A knife went through your hand! You actually put a knife under there?"
"I've done this plenty of times before. I didn't know which one it was underneath. I usually have my friend set it up and put it away."
"How are you still alive?"
"I just am."

Goth left the room to fix her hand. She came back into the room after wrapping her hand with bandages. She sat down next to you, leaning her head against your arm. This was the strangest thing that she's done so far.

     Goth rambled on about her past, or something like that, "It's so hard to have friends. They always leave me. I used to have a whole friend group, but now I only have one friend. We all used to play baseball and other variants of it, like whiffle ball. We loved playing games and taking risks with each other. Sometimes I still go to the park, and hopes of us all playing together again. It won't happen though. I know it. At least I get people like you you're my friend now, aren't you? You won't leave me, right?"
     You listened to her story, trying to think of how to respond, "I don't think I can leave you."
     Goth had a very monotone laugh, "Ha ha."
     It freaked you out, "Why are you doing that?"
     "You should wear a striped shirt," she replied, "I think it'd suit you."
     "You're not making any sense."
     "I know. I don't know why I say, or do some things." Goth said, as she tied your arm back to the chair.
     "Wait! No! Don't tie me up again."
     "I'm leaving now. Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow."

     Goth got up and left the room, leaving you there alone. You tested the ropes again. Still stuck. What was she going on about? She just went on about her life. Something about a striped shirt too. Maybe you'll have to play around with her to get out. Have to hope for a better game next time.

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