Note and Knife

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⚠️Warnings: Violence and small descriptions of gore⚠️

     When you awoke, you found yourself completely untied from the chair. You looked around the room for Goth in the possibility that this is a test. She wasn't in here at all.
     There was a paper and a knife waiting on your lap. You picked up the paper to read a note from Goth. It read:

I realized you don't like me. I may be wrong, if I am just leave the knife alone. If I'm right, you can try to stab me with the knife. If you can stab me, I'll let you go. I won't go down easily though. If I get you before you get me, you'll stay. I promise I'll give you a head start though. I won't make it too unfair. Hopefully this is all just a misunderstanding. Good luck. I'll be waiting.

You picked up the knife she gave you. What should you do with it? Do you want to leave her, or do you want to stay?

If you want to stay with Goth, skip to the next chapter.

If you want to try to escape, continue this chapter. This is your final chapter. (Possibly. I might make a season 2, but it probably won't happen for awhile)


You gripped the knife in your hand. You're going to try and make it out of here. This is your chance. It could be your only chance to escape. Why not take this opportunity?
It's on, Goth!

You got up and headed out of the room to search for Goth. You made it out of the door of the room and Goth was already there waiting.

     "Y/n!" Goth then saw the knife in your hand and her expression changed. It was a saddened and painful expression. There was sadness in her voice. "I see... I will uh- I'm sorry... I expected it. I was really hoping and I didn't want to, but that's why I brought this."
     "Brought what?" You were confused until you watched Goth pick up a bat she had waiting next to her.
     There was the static you haven't felt in a few days. It still messed with your head, but you could hear her. "One..."
     "You need to run so it stays fair," she explained. "Two..."
     Oh shit. Run.

You quickly ran to find somewhere to hide, or an exit to this place. Goth was right about needing a head start. If you can't find a way out, you'll need a place to hide for a surprise attack. There's now way you can beat her one on one. Maybe you could, if you haven't been tied down for days and haven't played any torturous games.
You made it to some sort of kitchen area when you heard Goth moving around. You have to hide now! All you have to do is catch her off guard and stab her. You're free to go after. Where should you hide though?
The easiest place to hide is behind one of the shelves. You can move out of the way too if she finds you before you can attack. Overall, it's perfect for now. Goth could be in here at any moment.
Goth stepped into the kitchen area, wielding her weapon. You held your breath to keep quiet. She didn't see you, so you moved on to attack. You aimed directly for her back which was turned to you.
You were so close. You had your weapon aimed over her, but she turned around because she heard you and she grabbed your arm. She swung at you with her bat, but since she was using her other arm, you were able to stop it. You both blocked each other's attacks. You stared at her in fear and anger, while she looked back at you intrigued and impressed.
Goth twisted your arm and you dropped the knife. You yanked the bat out of her hand and threw it across the room. You scrambled to retrieve your weapon, but Goth noticed and kicked it away from you. Goth went for her bat, and you grabbed her by the leg to pull her down to the ground. She kicked out your feet from under you causing you to fall to the ground too.
While both of you were down on the ground, Goth was the first to get up. She climbed on top of you, pinning you down successfully by holding your arms down and kneeling on your thighs. She dug her nails into your arms and leaned down to get into your face. Once you stopped trying to fight her off, she loosened her grip.

Goth pouted, "Do you really want to leave me this bad? Is there any way I can get you to stay? I know we started off wrong, but I can fix it. I won't keep you tied up anymore, or here if you don't want that. You can stay at my apartment if you can be quiet. Please don't leave me."
"I'll never stay with you," you spat out.
"Then I guess you have to die," Goth hissed.

     Even though Goth sounded angry, you could see the tears running down her face. She headed for her bat and you reached for your knife. It's all in a matter of seconds. It's who could get their weapon first.
     Goth was already coming back to you with her bat in hand. She swung at you and you dodged her attack by diving for the knife. You got your knife and pushed yourself back up.
     When Goth went after you again, you shoved her against the counter. There was a sink. She hates water. You know that. You turned the faucet on causing Goth to drop her weapon and try to shove you off.

     "Please don't do that," Goth begged. She continued to try to shove you off.
     You pushed her closer to the sink. "You've tortured me every second I've been here. Why the fuck should I not? Besides, it's just water. What's the problem, Goth?"
     "If you do it, we'll both suffer. You could die. Do you want that?" Goth moved herself away.
     "Fuck around and find out. I'm not lying," she stated truthfully.
     She might be right. "Then why are you so defensive?"
     "Do it then. I can take the pain. Hurt yourself. I'll enjoy it as I get electrocuted too." Goth's signature smile came back.

     Fuck it.
     You shoved Goth's head under the faucet and turned it on the rest of the way. Her screams sounded out through the room. It actually felt amazing to finally hear her in pain for once. There wasn't anything bad happening to you. She must've been lying.
     Oh how you were wrong.
     The static was back and it hurt your head again. Next thing you know, electricity was going through you. You managed to let go of Goth and felt the effects wear off.
     After most of the pain wore off you, you saw Goth fall to the floor since you weren't there to hold her anymore. The static was still there, but it's not so bad. Considering you were just electrocuted, the static is child's play for now.
     The game isn't over though. You quickly stabbed Goth in the shoulder. When you did that, she stared at you in shock. The static got worse.

     "You won... you can go now," Goth said, her voice breaking.

     It's over now.
     You threw the knife at her feet and found the exit. You finally made it out. You survived.

The End

If you chose to stay, it's not over for you yet.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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