𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞. the house of black

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IX —— the house of black

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IX —— the house of black


          BUT HOW DO YOU DESTROY A HORCRUX? Fianna keeps on thinking about it the next day, and the day after, and the day after. She rarely thought about their existence until Sunday night — and now, her mind keeps on drifting to Horcruxes. How you make them, why you'd make them, what object she'd personally use to make one. Awfully, Fianna wonders who out of Voldemort's presumably long list of victims was the one that became the Horcrux catalyst. Maybe his first? That would make sense, surely his soul can't split again after he's already killed. But who did he kill first...?

She doesn't like it, but a few times since that night, her and Regulus have wandered to the Shrieking Shack after curfew, to try and think about a game plan. As she expected, the library doesn't have a single book on Horcruxes, and even if it did, she knows they'd raise suspicion. It's one of the most taboo magics out there, and for that reason, she feels paranoid, just talking about them this frequently. It's superstitious of her, too, but even thinking about Horcruxes... It makes her feel funny, like her own soul will become corrupted.

"I think it's no use," says Regulus, two Friday evenings after that Sunday.

They're sitting at the top of the Astronomy Tower, having spent the evening before charming the place so nothing can magically eavesdrop. (Fianna doubted this anyway, but Regulus insisted, understandably paranoid.) She did suggest them going to her dorm room, because she didn't think a Death Eater would be able to plant anything in the Gryffindor common room, but Regulus refused to step foot in Gryffindor Tower. "I will melt," he said, like when he sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. So instead, after Quidditch practice, Fianna met Regulus up here, away from the rest of the school.

"I think you're a pessimist," says Fianna. She's spent the past ten minutes shuffling her deck of tarot cards; wanting to get better at it, she's been practising whenever she has free time. Plus, she likes the excitement of it, seeing what cards fall out. So far, nothing's jumped out for her... Although she doesn't know what she's expecting, or asking from them.

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