Chapter 2

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Stan was lying on his sleeping bag, unable to fall asleep. Kyle was snoring quietly, Stan was just listening to him. There wasn't any other sound in the room, other than the clock ticking as each second passed. Stan knew that if he truly did love Kyle, it'd break Wendy's heart. Stan kept telling himself that he wasn't gay and that he just thought that Kyle looked good... in a no-homo kind of way.

Stan sat up and looked at Kyle, who was facing the wall and near the edge of his bed, very close to the wall. Stan got up and walked over to Kyle's bed and laid down next to him. He just sat there for a bit, staring at the ceiling. Kyle turned around, facing Stan and grabbed onto him. Stan's eyes widened as he looked at Kyle's red hair. He put his arms back around Kyle, and he pulled Stan closer, putting Stan's face in his chest, near his shoulder. Stan loved Kyle's natural scent of cinnamon and sweets. Stan smiled a bit and closed his eyes, finally falling asleep.

Kyle woke up well before Stan, Stan's arms were wrapped around him; his own were wrapped around Stan. Kyle was shocked. He blushed, not knowing what to do. Kyle kept his arms wrapped around Stan. They were both comfortable. Kyle never wanted to leave this moment.

Stan later woke up, it was roughly 6:30... he was too tired to truly tell. As Stan woke up a bit, he realized Kyle's arms were still wrapped around him. Stan tensed up a bit, panicking. He felt Kyle's heart speed up a bit. "Stan..." Kyle murmured, staying very quiet. "Yes...?" Stan replied, scared to see what Kyle was gonna say. Kyle was quiet for a second. "I love you..." Stan's eyes widened as he heard these words come out of Kyle's mouth. "Are you joking, dude?" Stan asked, keeping his arms wrapped around Kyle. No answer came from Kyle. "Maybe he's just a sleep talker..." Stan whispered to himself.

A few moments later, Kyle woke up, Stan was in the shower and singing to himself. Kyle rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and sat up. He sighed quietly. He got up from his bed and put his shirt on. It drooped over his body in a comfortable way. He grabbed his phone and started scrolling until he heard the shower stop and the pipes squeak quietly. The pipes were just loud enough to hear from Kyle's room. After a few minutes, Stan walked in, wearing his basic outfit and holding a dirty towel and his hat. "Morning, dude!" He said, smiling at Kyle. "Hi..." Kyle replied tiredly. "You alright?" Stan asked, putting the towel in Kyle's laundry basket. "Huh? Yeah?" Kyle replied, yawning. Stan stood up and put his hat on. "Just wondering," He said.

School felt so incredibly quick for Kyle, the opposite for Stan. Kyle walked up to Stan, holding a bottle of orange juice. His blood sugar was low. "Hey Kyle!" Stan said, greeting him happily. "Hey Stan! I was wondering if you'd rather walk or drive to my house?" Stan thought for a second. "Walking might be more soothing, we can drive tomorrow so we can get my car back to your house." Kyle agreed. "I'll meet ya outside!" He said, walking away to go wait for Stan. Stan watched him walk away.

"Hey babe!" Wendy greeted Stan, with a simple wave following. "Oh, hey Wendy!" Stan greeted back. "Wanna go to the movies with me tonight?" Stan frowned from guilt. He wanted to hang out with Kyle; he didn't wanna hurt Wendy's feelings, though. "I'm busy tonight... maybe Bebe will wanna come, though!" Wendy nodded and went to go ask Bebe instead.

When they arrived at Kyle's house, Ike was sitting in front of the door angrily. "Forgot your key again?" Kyle asked, laughing quietly. "Shut up..." Ike murmured angrily as Kyle opened the door to the house. Ike ran inside and upstairs. Kyle and Stan followed behind slowly, setting their stuff by the door and talking about how their day went.

Stan zoned out while scrolling on his phone for a while. "Stan?" Kyle said, looking through the entrance of the living room. "Yeah?" Stan replied, looking up at him. "Are you gonna eat? I called for you a few times." Stan got up and apologized.

Stan was sitting in Kyle's room while Kyle was playing with Ike to tire him out. Stan's mind was racing. He couldn't think. Everything was just a big blur to him. He sighed and started looking at the posters on Kyle's wall. All of a sudden, Kyle's phone buzzes, bringing Stan back to reality. Stan grabbed Kyle's phone, "Wendy T sent an iMessage." Stan clicked the notification and entered Kyle's password.

Kyle: Has Stan seemed off to you recently? (Sent 10:43 AM)
Wendy: Yeah... I hope he's okay, I'm gonna see if I can take him to a movie or something in an attempt to cheer him up a bit (Sent 10:50 AM)
Kyle: Alright, I hope it works... If not, he's spending a few nights at my house and I can try something else...? (Sent 11:33 AM)
Wendy: Tell Stan I love him! He isn't answering my texts (Sent Just Now)

Stan was shocked to see people generally care about him and his wellbeing. The house fell silent, and he quickly turned off Kyle's phone and put it back. "Night, Ike," came quietly from down the hall, followed with a door shutting. A few seconds later, Kyle walked into his own room. "Hey dude..." Kyle said, his gaze meeting Stan's. "You alright?" Stan scratched his neck nervously. "Uh... yeah! What makes you ask?" "You only scratch your neck like that when you did something wrong, you're nervous, or you lied about something." Kyle read Wendy's text, "Wendy said she loves you, by the way." Stan sighed. "Okay, something's up. What's your problem?" Kyle asked, turning off his phone. "Can I ask you a question?" Stan asked. Kyle nodded. "What's your sexuality?" Stan asked quickly. Kyle thought for a second, "Uh..." he started, trailing off quickly. "...probably Pansexual... or Gay...?" Kyle fixed his hair. "Why? You tryna get me a date?" Kyle joked, making them both laugh. "Nah, just curious!"

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