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I was aware of the birds chirping outside and the cool breeze, but I felt warm and comfortable with my left arm wrapped around something soft. After a while, confused thinking hit me so I decided to open my eyes slowly, sensing that someone was watching me. 

I blink multiple times just to make sure that I see correctly. I'm uncertain if I was dreaming or if my mind was deceiving me, but Nayeon's face is mere inches from mine. She gazes at me with a smile, while I am frozen and unable to speak.

"Hey, you're awake."The sudden greeting startled me, so I pushed her off me.

"Yaaah! why did you push me?! Shit, it hurts."

"I'm sorry, you startled me." I apologize as I help her stand up after she falls from the couch.

"Am I being too loud?" Nayeon asked as she massaged her arms as I helped her to sit on the couch.

"No, no. Again, I'm sorry. I was just startled" I said, stuttering."I woke up... with you... very close to me and... while hugging you that's why."

"Silly, it's because you had a bad dream last night, do you remember?" She chuckled and I just nodded my head at her.

"Is everything Okay? You okay?" Nayeon asked and looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nodded again and replied as I stood up and began to fold the blankets that I use, we use.

"Last night, you looked miserable," Nayeon said which made me tilt my head.

"What else did I say?" I asked her.

"You're calling your mom and some incoherent words. you don't remember?" 

"I don't," I replied.

"What happened to your mom?" She asked cautiously which made my eyes snap back to hers. Every part of me wanted to walk away and avoid any more questions because it wouldn't do her any good if she asked further.

The truth is that topic makes me mentally exhausted. I didn't really remember much about what happened, though I was kind of glad because of it but I'm confused, I didn't know what she had heard last night. Did I scream again? Cry? or both?

"Jeongyeon." She called me.

I sighed. I don't want her to push too far, cause she'll only see darkness.

"I'm sorry," Nayeon muttered as she noticed my discomfort and my silence answered her question.

"Sorry for what?" I asked in a lower voice. Nayeon stood up and moved closer then held my hand. I almost flinched at the warmth, the feeling was odd but strangely comforting. 

"For asking uncomfortable questions, whether you answer or not it's okay. as long as you're okay." She smiled at me and I just nodded at her as my answer. 


A couple of minutes after breakfast and preparing themselves, the two headed towards the shore. When they both got there, Jeongyeon immediately showed the resting place that she made to Nayeon. 

Jeongyeon and Nayeon were taking a break by the shore when Jeongyeon suddenly stood up and went fishing. After an hour of waiting, she finally caught one for both of them. Nayeon quickly grilled it which they shared together.

My Sweet Arrogant - 2yeon G!PWhere stories live. Discover now