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The warmth of the sunlight gently settled on Gabrielle's face as she slowly began to stir. Still not completely awake, she noticed that she felt oddly warm. For a moment she thought it was due to one of the possible stages of hypothermia, but as soon as she began to become more aware of her surroundings, Gabrielle realized that she was in an unfamiliar room laying in bed beneath a thick layer of several blankets. She sat up as she looked around the room for Aurora and to try and figure out where she was.


After a moment Gabrielle noticed that Aurora was nowhere to be seen and fear of what might have happened to her quickly began to settle in. Fearing for her child's wellbeing, Gabrielle threw the covers off of her and got out of bed. She hurried to the door of the small room and was just about to reach for the knob when it opened towards her and she quickly hopped back and stood ready to demand answers for where her daughter was. However, her worry instantly vanished when she saw a very welcome but surprising sight standing in the doorway.


Ephiny smiled.

Good to see you're finally awake. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you were just panicking a bit and looking for this one here.

Ehpiny nodded towards Aurora who she was holding in her arms as the toddler smiled, happy to see her mommy. Gabrielle gave a relieved smile as Ephiny handed her the little girl.

And don't worry, I had her looked at and she's completely fine. No frostbite or any other lasting effects from being exposed to such harsh conditions.

Gabrielle held Aurora close and kissed the top of her head as she felt an incredible wave of relief rush over her. 

You on the other hand came very close to leaving this world...  again. I swear when it comes to you and Xena,  I've never seen two people cheat death as often as the both of you do.

How long was I unconscious?

Not even a day. Given everything I'm honestly surprised that you're already awake.

Gabrielle looked at Ephiny with a saddened expression and Ephiny realized what she had said seemed highly insensitive due to the situation of Xena being sentenced to die soon. That is if Xena's execution hadn't been carried out already since Ephiny left the village.

Sorry, I didn't mean...

It's okay I know what you meant.

Gabrielle carried Aurora over to the bed and sat on the edge with the little girl on her lap. She then looked at Ephiny as she held back the tears that were building behind her eyes, remembering Ephiny telling her that she would bring her Xena's body after the execution had been carried out.

Did she suffer?

Ephiny gave Gabrielle a confused look, not getting what Gabrielle was talking about. Though she assumed it must have been Gabrielle's concern for Aurora being out in the cold.

Well, I'm sure it wasn't comfortable, but you did your best to protect her.

But did I?

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VIII: CONQUERING A BYGONE ERA Where stories live. Discover now