Chapter 60 It's too late to think about it

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People around are in panic, and many people cannot keep calm. They are excitedly talking about the strange things that have happened frequently recently. Four people have played the role of the second male lead Yue Huan. If the recurring accidents still cannot be solved, this drama I really can’t take pictures anymore.

Qiu Ziping suddenly raised his head and said loudly, "I know who to turn to for this matter!"

Just when Qiu Ziping said these words, Luo Yingbai also just dialed his number on the mobile phone.

In the kitchen of his house, Xia Xianning put the last washed bowl on the shelf with a rare irritated look on her brows, silently squeezed Luo Yingbai's shoulder as a greeting, and then went out to work .

The morning air was a bit chilly, and the wind hit Xia Xianning's face. He raised his head and couldn't help but let out a long breath, suppressing all the worries in his heart.

The Yin and Yang Realm is a dangerous area between the two realms. It is easy to destroy, but to control the death and death spewing out from it during destruction and reduce its pollution to the air requires the cooperation of many parties. The night before, after the two of them came out of the Yin and Yang Realm, Xia Xianning went home with Luo Yingbai to meet Luo Zhao, and then he stayed at Luo Yingbai's house.

Luo Zhao has been very busy recently, and he was rushed away by a phone call after he didn't stay at home for long. Luo Yingbai sent him away hypocritically, turning his head and full of reluctance into excitement, and said : "Xian Ning, let's order takeout from the food stall! I want to eat skewers and drink beer."

Xia Xianning glanced at him sideways: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered when you eat at home?"

Luo Yingbai said: "That's why I ate it while you were around. My dad found out and said it was you who ate it."

Xia Xianning: "..."

Luo Yingbai might be afraid that he would run away, so she pulled his sleeve with one hand and looked pitiful: "I want to eat it so much. Anyway, you can take the blame for me without getting scolded. My dad likes it so much." you."

Xia Xianning sighed and used Luo Yingbai's mobile phone to call him what he liked to eat, and warned: "You haven't recovered from your injury yet, so you won't do it again."

Luo Yingbai sat at the table with Erlang's legs crossed, lifted the teapot and poured a glass of water, and said, "If you think about it, you don't have any injuries. If you don't think about it, you don't have any. Look at those people who are sick, everything is checked out, in fact How many normal people are not sick? Let things take their course, the most important thing is to live happily.”

While listening, Xia Xianning peeled the lychees in the fruit plate, and asked casually: "Then why do you yell so loudly in front of me every time you knock and cut your hand?"

Luo Yingbai handed him the poured water: "I don't understand this. I lack love. I want you to care more about me."

His hand handing out water happened to hit the lychee handed over by Xia Xianning. The two were stunned, smiled at each other, and exchanged the things in their hands.

Luo Yingbai said: "Drink more water, your lips are cracked, you are too busy these days. The Special Investigation Department is simply using people like animals."

He paused and sighed: "But this case is a bit pity for Xie Hua."

Xia Xianning said: "Well, actually I can understand them."

Luo Yingbai said: "They? Who are they? Are you talking about Xie Hua and...Liao Zhong?"

Xia Xianning nodded slightly, put down the empty glass, and Luo Yingbai poured him another glass of water, Xia Xianning said: "When you find that the dream is different from the reality, you will be filled with panic; when you are attracted by the dream, you will not be able to help it." I hope everything in that is reality - I vaguely understand what they both think."

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