Chapter 76 - 77 - 78

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Chapter 76 Yue Huan appears

Luo Yingbai was suddenly startled, and looked up just in time to see Chang Weiyu fall off the horse.

He watched several people rush up to support Chang Weiyu from a distance, knowing that he should not have fallen, so he was not particularly worried, put the umbrella in Zheng Yishan's hand, and rushed over.

Chang Weiyu only sprained his foot, but it was a bit difficult to shoot the subsequent fight scene. Director Deng asked other actors to take a break and asked Chang Weiyu: "What's going on? Is the injury serious?"

Chang Weiyu's face was a bit ugly, he hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Someone seemed to push me just now."

Luo Yingbai happened to come over. When he heard what he said, his expression changed and he asked: "To be more specific, when did I push you? What was the situation at that time? For example, your actions, thoughts, and whether you spoke."

He paused, and added another sentence: "How was your filming of this scene?"

Chang Weiyu tried to recall and said: "Yes... I hadn't fully mounted the horse yet. When I just stepped on the stirrup, I suddenly felt like someone pushed on my shoulder, and then I fell off. My horse The horse's temperament is not very good. I was worried about being thrown off during the fighting scene just now, so I was quite scared when I got on the horse... By the way, I didn't have any lines, so I didn't say anything."

Luo Yingbai thought about what Chang Weiyu said. If he and Xia Xianning analyzed the results last time, Yue Huan in the script turned into a spirit body and punished those who could not play him well according to his heart. Then it is very likely that Chang Weiyu was dissatisfied with the scene he just filmed.

In particular, Chang Weiyu still had thoughts of fear in his heart - if it was the real Yue Huan, he would definitely not be worried because of a horse.

Director Deng next to him had another issue to consider and coordinate. Zhou Junyi had a very tight schedule and was filming two TV series at the same time. Previously, Luo Yingbai asked to concentrate the scenes that Chang Weiyu and he were filming at the same time, but Zhou Junyi had already moved the schedule. , if this time is delayed again because of Chang Weiyu, it will not be able to be arranged.

Director Deng went to discuss with other actors for a while, then came back and asked Chang Weiyu, "Are your feet swollen badly? Can you hold on for a while?"

Chang Weiyu felt that the old man was a little indifferent and was not very happy. He didn't dare to show his displeasure, he just said: "My feet hurt so much that I can't move. Director, first find a stuntman to help me shoot this scene, and then I'll shoot a few more frontal shots." no?"

Luo Yingbai hesitated for a moment, then said seriously: "How about I take the photo for you?"

When he said these words, he looked at the scorching sun not far away, and his heart ached. But after all, after waiting for so many days, I finally got some clues. Even if Chang Weiyu was not injured, Luo Yingbai wanted to go up and try to find out what was going on with the mana fluctuation.

Before changing clothes, he deliberately said to Director Deng: "This time I will replace it, this time, please don't let anyone in the crew post the relevant photos and videos online, or you will cause a lot of trouble .”

Director Deng agreed repeatedly and said: "Don't worry, I will send someone to say hello to the fans later, and also ask the visiting team members not to talk nonsense."

Luo Yingbai didn't understand for a while: "Fans? Visiting the class?"

Director Deng pointed out not far away, Luo Yingbai could only see a lot of people standing there, some of them were vaguely holding binoculars in their hands, and some people kept taking pictures with their mobile phones, Director Deng smiled. Said: "There are quite a few of your fans here, they all know that we are filming here and came here to watch."

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