Chapter 1

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Sky walked into school. It was cold, but she never really had much problem with the cold. She didn't love it, necessarily, but she didn't hate it.

Laughter ran through her head. The hell were they on about? Surely they can't know. There's no way.

She turned the inside of her wrist away just to be sure. That's when Charlotte ran up and hugged her.

"You were gone for like a year, Sky are you alright?" She says, pulling away. Everyone was staring now, Charlotte had that effect on people. The eye-catching firework that could get her own way.

"I'm fine, Char. Promise. And it was only two days." She says, rolling her eyes. Charlotte spun around, her long firey ponytail swinging over her shoulder and hitting Sky in the face.

They went to Sky's locker and she knelt down to unlock it. She put in her code, 4269. Her locker opened up and she put her bag and books away. She took out a hair tie and tied back her sleek grey hair.

"Oop. She's putting her hair up." Blaze snarks, kicking her locker shut, jamming her fingers. Sky sighs and stops, shaking her hand as her fingers throbbed.

"The hell do you want, idiot?" Charlotte says, standing up for Sky. She was the only one who had the guts to stand up to him. "Now, now, that's not the way to treat the Prince of you, isn't it, Charlotte?" Blaze says, brushing his hand against Charlottes'.

Sky rolled her eyes. She hated seeing Blaze hit on Charlotte like that. At any moment Charlotte would bite back with a snarky comment. She always seemed to have one on hand. "Your not the Prince of me. And Sky. Go order around your brainless ducks who need to be told what to do. YEAH, IM TALKING ABOUT YOU, IVY!" Charlotte yelled at a girl who was down the hall and staring. Sky threw back her head and laughed while Blaze looked dumbfounded.

Sky closed her locker and locked it again. She reached out her right arm to hold hands with Charlotte, and her jumper sleeve went up slightly.

"Woah, the hell's going on with your wrist?" Blaze says, and he was obviously was about to poke fun at her.

That morning, she had woken up with a strange white thing on her right hand close to her wrist. It snaked multiple squiggly lines from her elbow down to her wrist, where they all formed into one line and circled her thumb. When she got dressed about an hour later, it has spread across to her elbow and was staring to make its way across her chest.

She quickly hid it from Blaze. "Nothing." She mumbles, and Charlotte steps to the side enough to cover her hand as Blaze tugs up his jumper sleeve to show his right wrist, which reveals he has the same pattern, but in red.

Charlotte gawks at Blaze's hand and takes Sky's hand up and tugs up her jumper. She makes them stand next to eachother with their arms facing the same way.

"Those are the exact same. Wonder why they're different colours, though." Charlotte says. Sky pulls her arm away and pulls her jumper sleeve down as the bell sounds.

They're sitting in their Caregroup* when the loudspeaker rings put, and their principle, Mr. Aspen, starts to speak.

"Good morning, Ethereal Academy. If you have lines snaking along your right arm, can you please head to my office now. The rest of the school, can you please head to the main courtyard. Thank you!" The loudspeaker chimed, well, loudly. Their Caregroup teacher, Miss River, stood up.

Okay, students. Can you all please line up in a single file line in front of the door." Miss Ricer says calmly.

"Miss, what if we have the weird line thing on our arm?" Charlotte asks, looking sideways at Sky.

"That's impossible. You can't have it." Miss Rivers remarks briefly and proceeds to herd the rest of the students out the door.

"Well that worked." Sky said blankly. Charlotte chuckled. "The hell does she mean 'can't have it?' Aint you got that stuff on your arm?" She says, getting up.

"Yup. I'm gonna go to the office, and you go explain where I'm at. Cya!" Sky ways walking out.

In the outer part of the principles office, where the kids waited to see him in supervision of the desk lady, there were 3 other people there, Blaze, and 2 other students she didn't recognise. She sat down on one of the chairs, and the principle came out after about a minute of her being there and called the three boys in.

She didn't think it was weird, maybe he just wanted to talk to the boys first before her. But, he came back out after a minute and looked around again. he looked at Sky and started speaking. "Miss Sky, did you do something bad? Did you get into a fight or something? I'm kind of busy right now, can you come back later?" Mr Aspen says, and flicks his hand at the door.

"Trouble? No, I'm here for the weird arm thing." She explains. Mr Aspen frowns, and grabs her arm harshly. he reefs up her jumper sleeve to reveal her arm, which still has the lines on it. "Hah. Very funny. We don't tolerate liars and jokers here, Sky. Wash off your arm and get to the courtyard." He barks.

That's when Blaze pokes his head out the door. "Sir, what's the holdup? Oh, you." Blaze snarks. "Your here for the arm thing, too, then?" "Wait, what?" Mr Aspen then takes a tissue out of a box on the desk and wets with with some water from some random drink bottle from lost property. He vigorously rubs the wet tissue on her arm, and lifts the tissue up, and her pattern is still there, as there as it was at the start.

Mr Aspen sighs. "Come on." He points towards his office door, where the other 2 students are sitting. They all walk in and sit down, with Mr Aspen at his desk.

"So, children. You may be wondering about your arms and what they mean." He starts, and they all nod. "Well... let me tell you about a little something called the Element Games..."

*For all you Americans, Caregroup, Care, or CG is basically Aussie for Homeroom.

WC: 1071

First Story is a go! This probably won't get to 500 reads like all the popular peoples books right away. Let alone 1k+, my only dang follower is a relative. Lord help me.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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