Thirty Nine : Under the Starlight

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-𝓤𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽-

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely certain that you agreed to marry Sindhraj with a clear mind?" Aanya inquired, her gentle voice carrying concern as she looked at Dushala seated in the garden.

"Bhratashri chose him, Aanya," Dushala responded with a hint of resignation in her tone.

"I want to know, did you say yes or no?" Aanya pressed on.

"He told me that he had arranged my marriage," Dushala muttered softly.

"Wow, that man had the audacity to assume! And he said,'Do you believe I would force my sister into anything?'" Aanya mimicked Duryodhan with a comical expression, displaying a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

"But he isn't forcing me," Dushala replied, her voice tinged with a sense of obligation.

"But he should have consulted you, duffer. Asked whether you wanted to get married or not, shouldn't he?" Aanya insisted.

"Marriages happen like this, Aanya," Dushala expressed with a touch of resignation.

"Pardon me? Who said that?" Aanya confronted her. "Every person has the right to choose their partner, and no one can deny you that."

"But -" Dushala began to explain, but Aanya's stern gaze interrupted her.

"You didn't even ask Duryodhan for the chance to meet that man once, did you?" Aanya's voice was filled with disappointment.

"Because that's not what royal women do, Rajkumari Aanya," Duryodhan's voice interjected, breaking the tension. Aanya turned to face him, rolling her eyes in frustration.

"Duryodhan, your concept of what a 'royal woman' should adhere to is patriarchal," Aanya retorted, her frustration palpable as Duryodhan's voice interjectbreaking the tension. Aanya turned to face him and rolled her eyes in frustration.

"I don't need a man's enlightenment on what a royal woman should or shouldn't do," she asserted firmly. "Dushala deserves the right to make her own choices, especially when it concerns something as crucial as marriage."

Duryodhan's expression turned stern as he responded, "As her brother, I have the responsibility to ensure that the alliances and marriages within our family are made with careful consideration of political and strategic implications."

Aanya shook her head in disbelief. "At what cost, Duryodhan? Are you willing to sacrifice Dushala's happiness for the sake of politics and power?"

"I am considering the greater good of our family and kingdom," Duryodhan stated firmly.

"The 'greater good' should not come at the expense of individual freedom and happiness," Aanya argued passionately.

"Marriages are negotiated in this manner, Aanya. Do not create a spectacle over this, and I do not wish to argue with you," Duryodhan countered with an air of indifference.

"And do you believe I am enjoying arguing with you here?" Aanya fired back. "For your information, I had to intervene because you are turning your sister's marriage into a political alliance for your own gain."

"Aanya," Dushala attempted to intercede.

"I do not believe you have the right to meddle in our family affairs," Duryodhan interrupted.

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