when the sun falls.

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"Good morning, Jay!" Dick sang as he burst into his brother's room.

Jason startled awake and nearly put a bullet through Dick's brain before realising who it was.

"Jesus Christ, Dick," groaned Jason, rubbing his eyes. "Don't burst into my room like that. I thought you were an intruder."

(As if an intruder would cheerfully yell 'good morning' as they entered.)

"Sorry," Dick said sheepishly. "I thought you'd be awake already."

Jason glanced at his phone. "Dick, it's 6 AM. How are you so full of beans this early? Did you even sleep?"

But Dick had already bounded out and very soon, Jason heard frustrated yells coming from Damian's room.

"Don't kill me, Dami!" he heard Dick cry. "I only came to say good morning."


Later that day, once everyone had managed to drag themselves out of their bed, Bruce called the bat brothers down to the Batcave...

"Training?" gawped Tim, clutching a mug of coffee in his hand. "Bruce, we're not kids anymore. We don't need to train."

"Unfortunately, I agree with my replacement," Jason drawled, crossing his arms.

Damian tilted his chin up haughtily. "I don't know about the others, but I definitely don't need to train. Although, I am always looking for opportunities to kick their butts."

Bruce scowled at them all. "You don't want to get sloppy or lazy. My decision is final: we're doing training. Otherwise, I won't let you out on patrol tonight."

This caused a series of grumbles and complaints from the bat brothers. At that moment, Dick Grayson came cartwheeling in, a dazzling grin planted on his face.

"You're late," Bruce said without even turning to glance at his eldest son. Dick vaulted over Bruce and landed beside his brothers. His smile melted, replaced by a look of disappointment.

"What? No applause for that epic entrance?" he moaned. "I am wasted here."

But it wasn't long before the smile returned.

"Father is insisting we do some training, Grayson," said Damian.

Dick clapped his hands together like an excited child. "Oh, goody! I look forward to kicking your asses."

Bruce shot him an approving glance. "At least someone is enthusiastic about this. Tim, Damian, I'd like you to duel first."

Dick watched proudly as his two younger brothers got up to duel ("Without the katana, Damian," Bruce insisted sternly.)

"Tt," Damian huffed with a roll of his eyes. "My knuckles are katanas in themselves."

Tim and Damian began to due, with Bruce standing off to the side, arms crossed and a lovely scowl painted on his face. Jason laughed whenever Tim managed to get a hit on Damian, and Dick's smile remained unwavering as he pointed out mistakes and made helpful comments on their techniques.

"Do you mind, Dick?" Tim paused breathlessly. "I'm trying to concentrate here."

"Tt, you're just jealous I am a better fighter than you, Drake," said Damian.

"Sorry, Tim," Dick said. "I didn't mean to distract you. I only mean to help."

"Shut up, Replacement," said Jason angrily. "You should be grateful Dick is willing to help your sloppy self. Without him, you'd be lying on the streets, dead."

They were all momentarily shocked by Jason's outburst, but Dick recovered first and slung a fond arm around his brother's shoulders. Jason pulled away, hiding the blush on his cheeks.

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