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Mark woke and curled over the edge of the bed he was in, gagging harshly and dryly. There was nothing in his stomach for him to lose. He had been out for some time. He looked around, squinting. He wasn't wearing his glasses, he didn't know where they were, but he managed to find his phone.

He had been out for a about three hours.

"Amy! I'm going out!" He shouted, standing and grabbing a shirt, pulling it on as he walked.

"You shouldn't, you've been passing out." She called back from her room, getting up and coming into the hallway between the offices.

"I have to talk to The Captain about everything happening." Mark explained,"Where are my glasses?"

"Let me drive you." She said softly, walking past him into the bedroom to retrieve his glasses. She brought them back and put them on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked, genuinely.

"I am. I don't think you driving is a good idea. I'll sit in the car while you talk to them. How does that sound?" She asked.

Marks lips pulled into a small pucker as emotion drew on the muscles in his face. He could barely speak through the gratitude he felt. Amy was great, but part of him thought she wasn't real, or he wasn't.

Lately his theory was that the wormhole hadn't been fixed and he was currently experiencing a timeline where he didn't complete engineering school. He was living the life he would have lived if he had followed a different path. Somehow the wormhole dropped him off outside of the ship, like the time he was a murderer, or part of the bomb squad.

"Hey, what'cha thinking?" She asked. Her voice was so calming and feminine and her lips curled in a permanent smile. Even when she was upset and pouting the corners curved up. She had only shown concern in the time since Mark came out of the game. He wondered if anger could pull those corners down.

"You're so good to me, Amy." He whispered.

A memory slapped him across the face as he said those words.

Mark had a small box in his hand. He was slightly uncomfortable as years sprung into his eyes. Something was wrapped around his head and there was cotton in his mouth.
"You're so good to me, Amy."
"Are you alright if I start driving"
He turned to her and smiled best he could with the wrap on his head.

"You remember that time I filmed after I got my wisdom teeth removed?" He whispered, his lip slightly curling in a grin.

"Yeah." She giggled, cupping his cheek with her hand, rubbing her thumb along his cheeks bone. He winced slightly, his face was sore from being hit so much.

"Is it true that someone filmed that guy hitting me?" He asked with a frown.

"Yeah, but maybe you shouldn't look right now. I'm worried about what this game has done to you. I'm worried about the other player too but you have been attacked." She said, lifting her hand to run it through his hair tenderly.

He blinked away his tears, sniffing lightly,"He reacted that way to me but... what if he is like that with them?"

"You can't save anyone, Mark. I love it when you try, though." She said, her smile so soft that he almost didn't hear her mistake.

"Anyone?" He muttered, his throat tight.


"You said I can't save anyone."

"I said that you couldn't save everyone." Her eyebrows pulled in,"Let's go."

"Uh huh."


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