Interlude: Bringing in the Villains!

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Knock Knock

As they were about to start the next universe, they suddenly heard a knock on the auditorium's door. Nezu raised his brow, wondering who it could be, since everyone he had invited was already present. However, he also knew that he wouldn't get any answers without opening the door. So, he descended from his chair and opened the door, only to find a box placed in front of it.

"Could it be like before?" Nezu thought, pondering whether it was the same type of box he had received previously. He then opened the box, and just as before, it contained a letter along with a remote that had a single red button. This only heightened Nezu's curiosity.

And then he started reading the letter and by the end of it, he was cracking up like a madman, sending shivers through the people who were silently observing the rodent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have received a very interesting gift from the person responsible for showing us this multiverse," he announced and displayed the remote. "But before that, I request everyone to move to one side of the theater." Everyone was confused, but they followed his instructions. Now, one half of the auditorium was filled with people, while the other half remained empty and unoccupied.

"Great! Now it's time to bring them in!" he exclaimed, pressing the red button on the remote. In the very next moment, the villains appeared out of thin air, occupying the empty side of the auditorium.

For a brief moment, heroes and villains just stared at each other before chaos erupted in the auditorium.

Naturally, the reaction was intense, considering almost every villain was present, from All for One, who, for some reason, had his face and hair fixed to Shigaraki and his Paranormal Liberation Front, to others like Muscular, Overhaul, and more that the author will introduce as needed.

"Silence!" Nezu declared through the microphone, immediately hushing everyone. Several eyes turned toward him, ready to voice their confusion, but Nezu continued without giving them a chance.

"Before you say anything, let me read this letter that will clear all of your doubts," he said and began reading the letter aloud.

[Hey Nezu, 

I am very pleased that you utilized the blueprint and the part I sent you to construct the machine flawlessly. I am also delighted to see that all of you are enjoying watching these other universes.

As I observed your progress, I noticed that something was missing... a crucial element that had been present in a similar experiment I conducted previously. That missing element is the presence of villains.

Now, don't worry; I'm not about to endanger everyone's lives by sending villains directly into your school, especially when there are civilians present. That's why I've provided you with a remote control featuring a big red button. And what does that remote do?

First, it will create a protective dome around your school, effectively freezing the outside world and keeping time within the dome in stasis. This means that no matter how much time you spend here, you won't feel its passage, and your bodies will remain unaffected. The outside world will be preserved exactly as it was before you entered the dome.

Second, it will establish a no-quirk/no-fight zone inside the dome, effectively disabling everyone's quirks and risk of anyone killing other with a few exceptions. These exceptions include individuals like Izuku, who serves as an anchor, as tampering with his body might disrupt the machine. Aizawa will be present to maintain discipline among the students, and you will also be included because I enjoy hearing the conclusions that you formulate using your quirk. Additionally, individuals with mutant quirks will retain their physical traits, but their enhanced abilities will be reduced to that of a normal human without those traits.

Third, it will transport villains into the auditorium while simultaneously erecting a barrier to separate them from the heroes and civilians, ensuring that your school does not descend into an all-out war zone.

And that's it, make sure to use that button as soon as possible because failing to do so could result in severe consequences. I will either send Lord Bereus to your planet and compel him to spend time with Bakugo and Shigaraki, or I may resort to dropping an asteroid, both of which will lead to the same outcome nonetheless.

Anyway, enjoy.

Yours truly,

Grey, The Overseer of the Multiverse.]

"In short, all of us are now trapped in here, and leaving would risk the destruction of the world," summarized All for One. "So, what exactly is happening here? That letter mentioned a blueprint and a part, so I assume you built something that led to this entire situation."

After a brief explanation, the situation became clearer.

"I see, a multiverse, huh..." All for One remarked, glancing at Izuku, who tried to avoid making eye contact with the villain. "Well, I don't mind. Having functioning eyes and lungs is a major incentive for me to stay, even if this thing turned out to be a dud."

Inside his thoughts, Izuku couldn't help but think, 'Why wasn't All Might be healed like that?' In the next moment, All Might widened his eyes as the pain from his side vanished.

"What's happening? My injuries are healed!" All Might exclaimed, pressing the side of his stomach.

"Tch, now it's not fun anymore," All for One muttered with a dissatisfied frown, while All Might glared at the man, who, in turn, received a menacing look from Tomura.

While all this was unfolding, other villains were engaged in various activities. Dabi, for one, fixed a piercing glare at the entire Todoroki family, especially Enji. Twice found himself locked in a heated debate with himself, pondering whether the world's destruction was a good thing or not. Spinner couldn't contain his excitement as he fanboyed over Stain, who grew increasingly irritated and pushed the gecko-quirk user away. Toga, on the other hand, pressed her hand against the barrier, desperately trying to capture Izuku and Ochako's attention.

Destro, in contrast, felt a different kind of stress as he fretted over not experiencing as much stress as he had expected. Skeptic, meanwhile, attempted to hack into U.A., but all that popped up on his laptop were 24-hour ASMR sucking noises, leaving him thoroughly perplexed.

There were several other villains present, though they weren't engaging in any particularly attention-grabbing activities, mostly focusing on glaring at the heroes' side.

However, one figure stood out among them: Overhaul. He hadn't received his hands back, but it didn't seem to bother him. At that moment, his mind was preoccupied with brainstorming how to reach the person responsible for bringing them here and acquiring the knowledge, whether through learning or stealing, of how to erase quirks.

On the heroes' side, a sense of calm seemed to wash over everyone as they realized that the barrier was indeed effective. To err on the side of caution, all the parents were ushered away from the barrier, while the heroes sat closer to it.

Finally, once all the chaos had been subdued, Nezu let out a sigh of relief and turned to Izuku, asking him to activate the machine once more. "Well, with that out of the way, let's move on to the next universe."


Hello, everyone! Initially, I hadn't planned to include villains, but then I thought if I'm already adding students' parents, why not include villains as well? This doesn't put me at a disadvantage; in fact, it provides more characters for me to create reactions with. 

By the way, the new chapter for this story will most probably be released tomorrow.

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