1. Well Played

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A/N: Hello! Welcome to this new little series. It's the first time I try 1st person POV. This is a new series where I'm playing for now 5 books. (Different main characters but all in the same world). As you may have guessed, it's centered around basketball.

For now, I'll update on Wednesday. I'll see how it goes.




Freaking Professor Thompson.

I'm screwed. Big-time.

The guy has it out for me.

Maybe he has a thing against outspoken students. Or he just can't handle being wrong. Either way, I dared to correct him during a presentation—okay, maybe it was in front of a packed hall during my freshman year.

But come on, I couldn't let him quote the wrong source. Who'd let that slide? I don't have a lot in life, but I have integrity - that includes giving credit where credit is due.

Now, I'm stuck in his class, the only elective that fits my crazy schedule. And wouldn't you know it, the professor turns out to be Mr. Grudge himself. Maybe I could bail? No way.

I have to graduate. My family is a zero-strike kind of people, and I already have one big red X. Can't get two.

C'mon, Addison. You're not some scared freshman anymore. So what if he tried to fail you at every turn during your first year?

Fingers crossed.

In a perfect world, I'd give him a piece of my mind—a non-judgmental, five-star critique of his pettiness. But no, that would only earn me the title of Troublemaker. And I need that degree more than I need to call him out.

Journalism? Not exactly my first pick. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for exposing the truth. Problem? I did that by hacking the school system. In high school.

I got a lot of heat from my parents when the school called them. In my family, you don't make waves. You don't stand out. You get a good job, you pay the bills. You don't step out of line.

Hacking-but-not-hacking exposure? Never. Might as well have stabbed my mother through the heart.

So. Journalism... felt close enough. A legit way to expose the truth and something my parents could get behind - because oh, hey. I could be a teacher with this. Not that it's the plan.

Leave me alone in a computer room, a library, I'll dig up what I need to dig up. Do what needs to be done. Yet - it feels... not enough. It doesn't feel right.

Not exactly the speech I can give my parents after all that money spent. Can't get failed by a teacher either.

I'll play the good, quiet student, while inside, I'm a boiling pot of frustration.

"Good morning class," Professor Thompson chirps, marching up to the board. "I trust I need no introduction."

And not in a good way.

Silence hangs in the air. When no one responds, he clears his throat. "I hope you all had a restful break. As we begin this semester, we'll be delving into a project that will challenge your abilities to work in pairs."


My personal hell.

I don't mind working with others, but my schedule is like a Tetris game gone wild. Between late-night shifts at the library and hustling at the Campus Help Desk, I'm about to reach the top of the board and get the flashing game-over sign.

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